As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I came across something on the Rense site, featuring from Minnesota Frank Joseph and a discovery he made in monitoring crops circles.
Jeff & Frank Joseph
Did ET Crop Circles Just Cure Coronavirus?
Somewhere in the future archives to be published is an explanation of what crop circles are at source, and I will simply say they are the magicians of the court of the lords and the priests, as I bumbled into the discovery in creating ectoplasm myself, again I am not going to go into the details, but crops circles are not ET, not aliens. They are a practitioner people who have some beyond what humans think is capable ability.
What Mr Joseph discovered was on May 29th, when the biological weapon, Coronavirus Mirror Wuhan became a global killer that in Cley Hills, Wiltshire England a circle appeared overnight, which was the Coronavirus, but it had an exaggerated spike protein. Yes the infamous killer spike which makes this a biological weapon.
The spike exaggerated is the SP8 protein. The magi were pointing to this as the source of danger to humans and animals.

On August 8th, Frank Joseph discovered this odd crop circle at Patney Bridge, Wiltshire England. He had difficulty in trying to figure out what this thing was, so he contacted a professor at Winona Minnesota, without telling him what it was, and the professor replied that this was a unique hydrocarbon, named, 2,4 dimethyl - 3 - isopropyl pentane.

Joseph in research would discover that this hydrocarbon is used to kill viruses.
2,4-dimethyl-3-isopropylpentane | C10H22 | ChemSpider
Bioaccumulation Estimates from Log Kow (BCFWIN v2.17): Log BCF from regression-based method = 3.118 (BCF = 1312) log Kow used: 4.96 (estimated) Volatilization from Water: Henry LC: 5.3 atm-m3/mole (estimated by Bond SAR Method) Half-Life from Model River: 1.217 hours Half-Life from Model Lake : 113.3 hours (4.721 days) Removal In Wastewater ...
The gist of this is, that the biological virus was shown where the danger and achilles heel is and that the cure for it, is the alkanes. It's chemical name is C10H22.
This is a carbon and hydrogen element.
The alkanes share bonding in molecules. What the theory is here, is that this may be the bond which sheaths the protein spike of this biological weapon.
Think of it as a viralcide to viruses and the direction is coming from the magi.
It was two and half months from the pointing of what this virus is to the treatment, meaning the magi are not in the originators of his loop, but are discovering things. As Hydrochloroquine and Ivomec with zinc has proven effective, it is still part of the mystery of why the magi are pointing to this additive which is just a hydro carbon like numbers of hydro carbons.Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki
Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds, so the study of organic chemistry is important because all living things are based on carbon compounds. Carbon is unique in that it can form up to four bonds in a compound, so they can easily bond with other carbon atoms, forming long chains or rings. In addition, the type of bonding in organic compounds is almost always covalent.
I do not advocate chugging or injecting this stuff, as there is not any information which provides any point to start. Part of this group is what makes jet fuel, so be aware this is not iced tea.
My interest in this are the magi.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said