I worked for the Bush family and I'm voting for Joe Biden
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A group of 73 "national security" advisers who are Bush fam trolls who screwed up the United States and the world, signed a bizarre screed of charges on their site, Defending Mob Rule, As there a thousands of employees, this group of twits who owes Bush fam a job and career is not that immense. Some of the biggest haters of Donald Trump though did not sign this letter as they have been whining previously in being fired by the President.
Notably absent from the list were former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, former Chief of Staff John Kelly, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, and former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who all served in, and were ousted from, the Trump administration. Former National Security Adviser John Bolton also did not sig
Honestly. the deep state must have had to roll out the Iron Maiden to get this group of 70 plus, failures who brought America to destruction and being enslaved by the 1% for them to seriously sign a document which has this affirmation in it.
The charges against the President are ridiculous. The charges have been disproven from asking Ukraine for "help" in the Nadler Schiff impeachment, to this groups bizarre inclusion of Donald Trump noting that foreigners invading the United States is a problem..........as this group terms them immigrants.
If invaders are immigrants, then Adolf Hitler and his Reich were tourists in France and only liberating Russia.
None of these reckless charges hold any water. They are akin to the married couple, being drunk, pissed off, and accusing the other of acting like their mother.
- Donald Trump has gravely damaged America’s role as a world leader.
- Donald Trump has shown that he is unfit to lead during a national crisis.
- Donald Trump has solicited foreign influence and undermined confidence in our presidential elections.
- Donald Trump has aligned himself with dictators and failed to stand up for American values.
- Donald Trump has disparaged our armed forces, intelligence agencies, and diplomats. ”
- Donald Trump has undermined the rule of law.
- Donald Trump has dishonored the office of the presidency.
- Donald Trump has divided our nation and preached a dark and pessimistic view of America.
- Donald Trump has attacked and vilified immigrants to our country.
- Donald Trump has imperiled America’s security by mismanaging his national security team.
The fact is this group received their advancement from the SOCIO CONGLOMERATES which the Lame Cherry warned everyone of, and the latest example was Goodyear, hunting down it's own employees to force them to re education to love all the anti American things of the Obama Intifada BLM and the Soros ANTIFA, as Goodyear hates MAGA and All Lives Matter.
In contrast, we believe Joe Biden has the character, experience, and temperament to lead this nation.
Do I believe Joe Biden is a child molester? This has nothing to do with belief, but with actions, Joe Biden suffered a massive head trauma, which has proven over the years to have destroyed the normal cut off, or the "not making you look like a fool in public". Biden's gaffs are symptoms of brain injurty in he simply says things most people think, but have the common sense to not express them in public.
This has become not an oral problem for Joe Biden, but a physical problem in he simply can not stop molesting children and women in public. This is nothing new, as the Secret Service would not let their children, girlfriend or wives around Biden as he was always feeling them up.
When Joe Biden raped a staff member in private, this was a manifestation of power and lust. The fondling is a manifestation of brain injury. For lack of a better term in Joe Biden with children, he is a soul sucker, in he gravitates toward children and appears to think he absorbs energy from them.
How the list of enablers below, being forced for their Faustian salaries, could not look at these photos and know what Joe Biden does is inappropriate and unwelcome in those he attacks, is even more disgusting than Joe Biden, as it makes one pause why these high government officials overlook this, and what kind of inappropriate fondling of children they engage in.

Adm. Steve AbbotFmr Dep Homeland Security Advisor
Mary Catherine AndrewsFmr Special Asst to the President
Richard ArmitageFmr Deputy Secretary of State
Christopher BartonFmr Director, NSC Staff
John BellingerFmr Legal Adviser, Dept of State
Adm. Kenneth BernardFmr Special Asst to the President
Amb. Robert BlackwillFmr Deputy National Security Advisor
Linton BrooksFmr Under Secretary of Energy
Kara BueFmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Amb. Richard BurtFmr US Ambassador to Germany
Victor ChaFmr Director, NSC Staff
Thomas ChristensenFmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Eliot CohenFmr Counselor of the Dept of State
Joseph CollinsFmr Dep Asst Secretary of Defense
Heather ConleyFmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Chester CrockerFmr Asst Secretary of State
Patrick CroninFmr Asst Administrator, USAID
Amb. Sada CumberFmr US Special Envoy to the OIC
Mike DonleyFmr Secretary of the Air Force
Raymond DuBoisFmr Acting Under Secretary of the Army
Amb. Eric EdelmanFmr Under Secretary of Defense
Gary EdsonFmr Deputy National Security Advisor
Richard FalkenrathFmr Dep Asst to the President
Aaron FriedbergFmr Dep Asst to the Vice President
Janice GardnerFmr Asst Secretary of the Treasury
Amb. James GlassmanFmr Under Secretary of State
David GordonFmr Director, State Dept, Policy Planning
Colleen GraffyFmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Michael GreenFmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Sen. Chuck HagelFmr Secretary of Defense and US Senator
Gen. Michael HaydenFmr Director of the CIA and the NSA
Amb. Carla HillsFmr US Trade Representative
Ash JainFmr Member, State Dept Policy Planning
James KellyFmr Asst Secretary of State
Rep. Jim KolbeFmr Member of Congress
David KramerFmr Asst Secretary of State
Stephen KrasnerFmr Director, State Dept Policy Planning
Ken KriegFmr Under Secretary of Defense
Amb. Frank LavinFmr Under Secretary of Commerce
Rep. Jim LeachFmr Member of Congress
Bruce LemkinFmr Dep Under Secretary of the Air Force
Michael LeiterFmr Director, National Counterterrorism Ctr
Peter LichtenbaumFmr Asst Secretary of Commerce
James LoyFmr Dep Secretary of Homeland Security
Peter MadiganFmr Dep Asst Secretary State
Bryan McGrathFormer US Navy Officer
David MerkelFmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
John MitnickFmr General Counsel, Department of Homeland Security
Holly MorrowFmr Director, NSC Staff
Amb. John NegroponteFmr Director of National Intelligence, and Fmr Deputy Secretary of State
Elizabeth NeumannFmr Asst Secretary of Homeland Security
Sean O’KeefeFmr Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator
Daniel PriceFmr Dep National Security Advisor
Paul RosenzweigFmr Dep Asst Secretary of Homeland Security
Nicholas RostowFmr NSC Legal Adviser
Kori SchakeFmr Prin Dep Director, State Dept Policy Planning
Wayne SchroederFmr Dep Under Secretary of Defense
Robert ShanksFmr Dep Asst Attorney General
Rep. Christopher ShaysFmr Member of Congress
John SimonFmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Stephen SlickFmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Amb. William TaftFmr Deputy Secretary of Defense
Shirin Tahir-KheliFmr Special Asst to the President
Miles TaylorFmr Chief of Staff, Dept of Homeland Security
William TobeyFmr Dep Administrator, Nat Nuclear Security Admin
Amb. Robert TuttleFmr US Ambassador to the United Kingdom
John VeroneauFmr Dep US Trade Representative
Michael VickersFmr Under Secretary of Defense
Ken WainsteinFmr Homeland Security Advisor
Sen. John WarnerFmr US Senator
Matthew WaxmanFmr Prin Dep Director, State Dept Policy Planning
William WebsterFmr Director of the CIA and FBI
Dov ZakheimFmr Under Secretary of Defense
Philip ZelikowFmr Counselor of the Dept of State
Joe Biden simply has no off switch. He can not refuse fondling and kissing children inappropriately any more than the above can not sign their names to deep state documents and expect to ever work again, or not be persecuted in the next Obama Marxist gleaning which last time had Eric Holder taking out Rod Blagojevich, John Edwards etc.... as the above group stood silently as Bush fam, eliminated all Conservative contenders by framing them in Larry Craig, George Allen etc...
The above 1% conduits want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, because like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, they are Silicon Valley Sluts, who will continue to cement into place the Obama 7 Conglomerate Control of America. That is what this ridiculous letter is about, and it exposes them for the soulless trolls they are, and opens the question again, "If Joe Biden can not control himself from fondling children in public, it is certain this duffer will wake up one night from a nightmare about Russia, and think it is real, and start pushing the red button to launch a nuclear attack against Moscow."
Joe Biden is not the crazy uncle you lock in the shed to keep him from fondling the testicles of the lawn boy when he comes to mow. Joe Biden has real powers as President. We discovered that George HW Bush created the monster of China. Bill Clinton raped women. George W. Bush stopped asking what Jesus would do and started doing Michelle Obama, and Barack Hussein Obama built a biological weapon's lab in Wuhan China.
Those are the facts and the above, are guilty not of being Benedict Arnold, but conspirators against the United States as we are suffering from their Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama policies for the world and against the People of the United States.
Nuff Said
Joe Biden has a long history of being a little too hands-on with children. And he outright admits it. During one truly bizarre speech at the renaming of a swimming pool in his honor, Biden cheerfully said:
“I got hairy legs that turn, that that that that that that turn, uh-um-uh blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. I love kids jumping on my lap.”