Monday, August 3, 2020

The Stage 2 of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Natural News had an astute examination of Coronavirus, in noting it was threat to the human population, but also that there are numbers of people who have claimed from the beginning that Coronavirus was a hoax.

What the Lame Cherry is asking you to refresh your minds with is the Truth, because deliberate confusion is being sown into your perceptions, as was in the Kennedy assassination and as was with 9 11.

One example which is proven is Hydrochloroquine and Zinc. There is no doubt that this treatment is lifesaving in dealing with this biological weapon, and yet for months, the Bill Kristol and CNN Trump haters went out of their way to suppress this treatment and cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
Ohio recently banned Chloroquine and was forced by the next day to reinstate it's use. It is the fact someone wants this virus spread and wants people dead for another agenda which the panic will cover up.

As stated we all have been lied to and misinformed about this biological weapon. The Obama folks who created the Wuhan lab, shipped plague carriers into America. There is now the reality of spreading this virus to have it end it's threat to the population, as the portfolio pariahs who can wear a mask in their isolated offices, are protecting Wall Street and the pharma vaccine, that your being sick will help make billions with.

So you should see that there are numbers of very inhumane people out there for a hundred different agendas from getting Donald Trump to bringing down the US economy so China will supplant the west, who are focused on using this virus to achieve the ends they desire.

You need to be reminded of the history in US media, where Rush Limbaugh and George Noory were telling their listeners who are now dead that this was the common cold and the flu was worse, as CNN and CNBC were spreading a panic. Dr. Anthony Fauci to spread this virus, said it was nothing, and once it began, then he was for massive shut downs until a serum could be produced which is what his group wanted all along. The CNN group are the Cuomo group in New York who deliberately spread the lethal strain of this virus by putting uninfected patients with the infected, and putting plague carriers in nursing and veteran homes. There were over 100,000 aborted adults out of the womb, done deliberately, and the abortion instrument was Coronavirus Wuhan.

I will repeat what this blog stated from the beginning and it is proving correct. China built a virus for  a first strike against the United States. Europeans who use American industry for their dirty deeds, took a virus out of America and released it into China. This 1% also released in China the S strain or non lethal, as a bargaining chip.
This genus virus was released and spread to punish specific nations, and it was deliberately spread in the United States. The primary strains are Chinese, Spanish, Italian and Indian. It is spread through contact in body fluids, and excrement. The L strain is spread in excrement and the S strain spreads in body fluid contact.

Everything in this is diversion. The main event in this is Webster Griffin Tarpley's revelation that the DNC would be split into communist and nazi wings, the GOP would be 3rd tier and those facts are coming true, as much as this virus will ascend the Europeans to a new order.

As stated, you are being lied to and manipulated for effect.

I highly suspect a paralyzing reality to hit the United States when all of these booger eating children, get around the booger rolling Mexicans, and the children take this home to parents and grandparents. This is just another effect in the upheaval, serum promotion and to get the pedophile property infused with the platform spike proteins, which will be enhanced by the 1237 vaccine, and once that has amplified the human DNA, the real introduction will take place with purpose.

Coronavirus is a genetically engineered virus in all of it's weaponized forms. Humans will be genetically engineered two legged virus, before this is over, and it will be as profound as when the Neanderthal was infused with sapien DNA. That is what you have been told, and the star children will tell you the same thing.

This virus could have been stopped, but the 1% do not desire it to be stopped. It's promotion is what this is all about, as a new order is established.

The virus is real, and you are being confused so you do not trust anything your reasoning is based upon. How much further would it require to be shown "aliens" and told they really are "god" in they sowed humanity and life onto this planet eons ago?
You know you are being lied to, and it has you stuttering in your assessments in you do not trust anything which is being broadcast. This is part of the great deception. All of this is happening for a definitive purpose, all the while you are distracted a dozen different ways in being overloaded with sensory deprivation.

I counsel that you go back to believing what you did as a child, anchoring in Jesus, and not believe what you are being conditioned with now.

You do not need to think. You need to anchor yourself, before you drift away.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Twelve questions for those who claim the coronavirus is a hoax

Question #1) Many in the alternative media reported on the New York City nurse who filmed undercover video and blew the whistle on how NYC hospitals were killing patients by rooming non-infected patients with coronavirus-infected patients, allowing transmission to occur. But how can non-infected patients be killed by the coronavirus if the coronavirus is a hoax?

Question #2) Alternative media outlets that are currently reporting the coronavirus to be a “hoax” are also reporting on how the mainstream media lied and covered up the story of how hydroxychloroquine can effectively and affordably treat coronavirus patients. If the coronavirus is a hoax, then what exactly is hydroxychloroquine treating, then?

Question #3) Many in the independent media are now pushing “mask hysteria” and claiming that wearing a mask causes death by asphyxiation or carbon dioxide poisoning. Yet Asian cultures — Taiwan, Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, etc. — have been wearing masks in public for decades, without a single recorded event of someone dying from wearing a mask. Surgeons wear masks during surgery without passing out, and masks are routinely worn by construction workers to filter particular matter such as sawdust, drywall dust and paint. If these masks have been safe and effective for more than fifty years, how did masks suddenly and magically become deadly and toxic in the last three months? Did the laws of physics change?

Question #4) Coronavirus pandemic skeptics claim all the infections and deaths are faked. But if all the deaths are faked, then why did those who are faking the deaths decide to keep dropping the daily death numbers from mid April through the end of June? If they’re faking all the deaths, then wouldn’t they want to keep faking more and more of them to make the pandemic look worse and worse? Why would they fake fewer deaths over time?

Question #5) Many independent media outlets that originally reported the coronavirus was a “genetically engineered biological weapon” designed to depopulate the planet are now reporting it’s all a hoax. But then they simultaneously report that Obama’s NIH, under Dr. Fauci, directed money to the Wuhan virology lab that built the weapon in the first place. If the coronavirus is a hoax, then there’s no story about Obama and Fauci funding a biological weapon “gain of function” program in China. How can both be true?

Question #6) In June, it was widely reported across the independent media that coronavirus infections caused the body’s cells to “sprout tentacles” that allowed the virus to attack adjacent cells and infect them. This was widely reported as more evidence that the virus was a genetically engineered biological weapon. As an example of the coverage, Zero Hedge reported:

“There are long strings that poke holes in other cells and the virus passes through the tube from cell to cell,” said UCSF’s Director of the Quantitative Biosciences Institute, Professor Nevan Krogan. “Our hypothesis is that these speed up infection.”

So how can the coronavirus sprout “tentacles” if it doesn’t exist and is a total hoax?

Question #7: As Gary Heaven recently wrote in a Natural News article about coronavirus treatments that work, the common inhaler anti-inflammatory drug budesonide works extremely well to treat and cure covid-19 infections. A well-known doctor, Dr. Richard Bartlett, has been actively promoting the treatment as an alternative to expensive Big Pharma drugs and vaccines, proving that he’s not a pawn of the drug cartels:

If budesonide successfully treats patients who have covid-19, curing them and allowing them to leave the hospital and return to normal life, then what is budesonide treating if the coronavirus is a hoax? How can anyone simultaneously claim the coronavirus is a hoax and also claim the media is suppressing cures that work to treat it?

Question #8) Coronavirus skeptics explain that coronavirus deaths are faked in the United States because hospitals receive extra funding for every death that’s considered coronavirus-related. Thus, people who die from other causes are said to have died from coronavirus so that hospitals can receive extra funds from Medicare. But Medicare doesn’t pay hospitals in Italy, Brazil, Mexico or Russia, and the same financial incentives don’t exist in most countries. So how do you explain all the dead bodies in Guayaquil, Ecuador? Or the skyrocketing death rates in Brazil? Or the massive die-offs in Italy, where it would have been impossible to recruit thousands of doctors and nurses to participate in a grand false flag theatrical production?

Question #9) If the initial lockdowns didn’t work, then why did coronavirus daily deaths plummet soon after the lockdowns went into effect? And why are coronavirus deaths now beginning to surge back a few weeks after the lockdowns were relaxed? If the doctors, nurses, hospitals and coroners wanted to fake all the deaths, wouldn’t they want to keep faking more deaths, not fewer deaths?

Question #10) For months, we’ve been told by the independent media that “fear” is the problem, and that those talking about coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths were “pushing fear.” They said things like, “We need to flatten the fear curve,” and urged complete calm for everyone. Not long after, they turned around the told everybody you should be terrified of masks. So if “fear” is the enemy here, then why push fear about masks? Will all these same media pundits also tell us that children shouldn’t wear masks this Halloween and claim that children will drop dead all across America if they put on masks?

Question #11) If the coronavirus isn’t real, then why are many publishers who claim the pandemic is a “hoax” also telling people to take vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and anti-viral supplements? Obviously, if the pandemic is fake, there’s no need to protect yourself from it. So why recommend immune-boosting supplements in the first place?

Question #12) If masks are so dangerous and kill people, then why are so many pro-liberty people perfectly fine with wearing Guy Fawkes masks? What about Halloween masks?
