Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Trump Justifies the Means

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Long ago, the writers of Star Trek, produced an examination of human reasoning, through the eyes of a molten race of lava creatures, who wanted to study "good and evil". The examination involved the best of humaniods like Abraham Lincoln and the worst in Genghis Khan.
In the end, the lava creatures were still puzzled as good and evil, used by the same methods of weapons, violence and deception to gain victory.

In the world of Birther Hussein Obama, the Obama Inc., with John McCain, created ISIS, a Kurdish band which had nothing to do with al Qaeda, but had to do with toppling Syria in a list of Muslim nationalists with the bi product being the stealing of oil from Iraq and Syria, sold to Turkey for their part in running the arms deal, and the revenues distributed to intelligence agencies, and American political parties. The revenues were in the billions.

When Donald Trump became President, the same operation was continued, instead as Obama replaced the established quo, Donald Trump replaced Obama's communists with the former players, and the same looting, laundering and spoils took place, but without the Obama slaughter of 500,000 Syrians or the deaths of American Soldiers.

Syria says US ‘stealing’ oil after American energy firm signs deal with Kurdish rebels — RT World News   rt
Syrian government has accused the US of pilfering the oil for itself. In a statement to the state-controlled SANA News Agency on Sunday, the Foreign Ministry condemned a deal signed between an unnamed American oil firm and the SDF, calling the oil extraction “stealing” and the rebels “a cheap puppet in the hands of the American occupation.”
The ministry added that it would consider the deal “null and void.”
The government in Damascus has long accused the US of looting Syria’s oil reserves. While the troops left behind on the oilfields supposedly stopped the black gold from falling into terrorist hands, sanctions on the Syrian government mean that the US hasn’t handed it over to Damascus either. Instead, rumors have circulated that the US quietly sold the oil off to foreign buyers, with Syrian President Bashar Assad accusing America of flogging the oil to Turkey, just as Islamic State and Al-Nusra terrorists did beforehand.
Back stateside, President Trump’s assertion that “I kept the oil” did little to dispel these rumors.

The deal mentioned by the Foreign Ministry, though, is acknowledged by Washington. In a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Thursday, Senator Lindsey Graham said that a deal had been signed to “modernize the oil fields in northeastern Syria.” Graham asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo whether the Trump administration supported the deal, to which Pompeo replied “we are.”
It is unclear, however, what “modernization” entails, and whether or not any oil will leave Syria.
Before its descent into civil war, Syria was producing 387,000 barrels of oil per day, of which 140,000 were exported to buyers including Germany and Italy

John McCain is dead, but his replacement is overseeing the same operation for different rewards, but the same operational blueprint continues.

This is not condemnation, nor support. It is the fact of that which you think is a white hat, is not a black hat, but all are grey in the same colour of human events.

So much money, and not so much as 30 pieces of silver for me.

Nuff Said
