Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Debbie Says It All

Fred you're happy to see me is rubbing on my Bing



 For the Viking:

Praying for you my friend. LC and TL are right on. There are so many good women out there longing for a good man to be their friend. Not after money, just want a friend to talk and listen and sometimes laugh and hold their hand. With so many retired women engineers out there, they don't want your money to support them, just want your companionship and an occasional hand to hold. Jesus bless you. 

PS: Viking I did not say find an old folks home, even if the chics in the wheelchairs are easier to catch. We have Senior Citizens groups here. They do potluck, play cards, go places together, have meetings. Grampa played lots of cards and flirted with lots of women, old and young.
Tell you a story which I still smile at. In the Thrift last winter, I found a pair of Batman boxers and as we were checking out, I always make conversation with the women or TL, and this time I mentioned wearing the Batman's in terms which were innocent, but double entendre. You should have seen those two old gals just have a knowing look on their faces. Apparently they play dress up with their husbands. Now you would have thought these were Granny Panty women, but in the brier patch you never know what goes on behind those slightly opened curtains for people driving by slow can peep in.

As Debbie says, women just want someone to listen to them, and the old adage is, as you said Viking, be witty and make them smile.
I play an idiot very well to do that and keep people off guard.

You have lots of friends here Viking. You are a good shit and don't let anyone say otherwise as we know better.

Nuff Said