Thursday, September 24, 2020

Ibuprofen (Advil) is safe for Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

That Goddamned commie rag, Lancet, hating on President Donald Trump, must be indicted by Attorney General William Barr for Reckless Homicide, as they published early that taking Ibuprofen was dangerous with Coronavirus............IT WAS ALL BULLSHIT!!!!!

The concern began after a study in The Lancet stated that ibuprofen boosts the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which may facilitate and worsen COVID-19. As a result, WHO originally warned most patients to stick with acetaminophen, which is also known as paracetamol or Tylenol.

The fact is Lancet kept people from using the best remedy to end inflamed lungs, and other medical authorities were actually advocating this treatment to save lives.

“Other publications have even argued that ibuprofen can be helpful in lung infectionsTrusted Source by reducing the amount of inflammation, which may be damaging to the lung,”

What is being looked into, in a study which will conclude in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, is if Advil helps, hurts or has no effect. As you have not seen a spike, the fact is that Advil is not going to make any deadly effect on people and it will at least make people more comfortable who are dying anyway.

Once again, the Lame Cherry bringing you the factual data, as this Lancet bullshit bothered me as I take volumes of ibuprofen out of necessity. I would like to sue their asses for millions of dollars and retire for the stress they caused me.

Nuff Said
