Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Kung Fu Pow

Just like in 1950, it will be Gramma in the soup pot

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Peking Girls are a racist, arrogant and people who will believe anything they are told. That though is the key to most Asian peoples, in they are easily exploited. The breed which rules China which is a people of liars and crooks, is the most backward of Asians. It is in this that an article quoted below seeks to learn from the genius of Buddha in military actions, when in reality, the Chinese published their game plan for war against the United States, and the fact is, these two PLA asstards got their entire assessment wrong, as it is based upon the bias of Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh, in an era of Vietnam firepower.

In 1999 two colonels in the China PLA, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, published a book with the PLA Press titled Unrestricted Warfare. Qiao Liang was promoted to Major General in the PLA Air Force and became deputy secretary-general of the Council for National Security Policy Studies. The two updated their work in 2016. It gives a window on high-level China military strategy.
Reviewing published US military doctrine in the aftermath of the 1991 US Operation Desert Storm war against Iraq, the Chinese authors point out what they see as US over-dependence on brute military force and conventional military doctrine. They claim, “Observing, considering, and resolving problems from the point of view of technology is typical American thinking. Its advantages and disadvantages are both very apparent, just like the characters of Americans.” They add, “military threats are already often no longer the major factors affecting national security…these traditional factors are increasingly becoming more intertwined with grabbing resources, contending for markets, controlling capital, trade sanctions, and other economic factors, to the extent that they are even becoming secondary to these factors. They comprise a new pattern which threatens the political, economic and military security of a nation or nations The two authors define the new form of warfare as, “encompassing the political, economic, diplomatic, cultural, and psychological spheres, in addition to the land, sea, air, space, and electronics spheres.”
They suggest China could use hacking into websites, targeting financial institutions, terrorism, using the media, and conducting urban warfare among the methods proposed. Recent revelations that Chinese entities pay millions in ad revenues to the New York Times and other mainstream USA media to voice China-positive views is one example. Similarly, maneuvering a Chinese national to head the US’ largest public pension fund, CalPERS, which poured billions into risky China stocks, or persuading the New York Stock Exchange to list dozens of China companies without requiring adherence to US accounting transparency increase US financial vulnerability are others.

What the Chin missed in Iraq, is that both wars were propaganda exercises. Through them, the DIA impressed the Russians and Chinese to modernize their war machines and no longer rely on mass numbers to overwhelm the West led by the United States.
This doctrine of burning out American conventional weapons, worked in Korea. It was the Soviet base of the Cold War and it was the basis of Mao's hordes. Each though have now gone American in  technology, and Russia is being lured into the Slavic lands and China is being lured into the ocean, both mirror images of epic losses by Moscow and Tokyo in the 1940's.

What the Chin missed, is the United States in Iraq employed a multi faceted electronic, bribery cash, advanced weaponry and distractions for Saddam Hussein. What China thinks it has invented is what America was using a real war to practice in.

When real war comes to China, the things China thinks it has profited from in PLA spreading Coronavirus to hacking, they will discover the United States and the Powers that Be, have been allowing China to succeed, to draw the dragon from the Forbidden City to being obliterated.

China is vulnerable to trade sanctions, financial disruption, bioterror attacks and oil embargoes to name a few. Some have suggested the recent locust plague and African Swine Fever devastation to China’s core food supplies, was not merely an act of nature. If not, then we are likely deep into an undeclared form of US-China unrestricted warfare. Could it be that the recent extreme floods along the China Yangtze River that threaten the giant Three Gorges Dam and have flooded Wuhan and other major China cities and devastated millions of acres of key cropland was not entirely seasonal?

It is not the United States alone which is being driven forward to war, but Russia and China. They have already lost this war, as there is not any way in hell that the European lords are going to allow Russia and China to ever win a war. The United States must be used up, but when the end comes, Chinese will be eating each other again, and Vladimir Putin will be rotting on the lawn.

The United States does not fight asymmetrical warfare. There are working papers, war games, scenarios you have never thought of. China is starving and being starved. It will be forced out to die trying as Japan was. It will be difficult as China blinked at the surveillance of the US U2 spy plane of Chinese wargames, as China's response was pussy in firing two missiles into the sea. That shows weakness, that shows intimidation of those peoples around China, and it reveals that China is scared and thinking it can out brain the United States in the preliminary weakening of America.
America is being weakened by design to draw out the Eurasians, and if you paid attention it was Clinton, Bush and Obama who built China and provided Russia with 50 year old American technology to high tech these Asians to thinking they could fight an American war.

There will be war and it will be fought on terms and conditions already recorded. What you are witnessing is the end of the world as you know it. China does not dictate this. Russia does not dictate this. This has already been decided.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater

Nuff Said
