Saturday, September 26, 2020

Let My Big Foot Go

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is beside herself in standing up for veteran and law enforcement officer of 15 years, when George Noory of Coast to Coast AM has abandoned this woman, just because she fired a few rounds off at a sleeping man.

She stated she was in the military and law enforcement for 15 years, while also saying she had come across adult male and female Sasquatch in the area along with juveniles, leaving food weekly for them.

The tragedy of this story is Gwendolyn Michelle Jones, also known as The Sasquatch Whisperer, has been "her Big Foot's keeper" in locating and feeding an adult male, female and more juveniles than have ever been recorded.

The Lame Cherry wonders where PETA is, as the state of Alabama has endangered the rare Big Foot, by taking away their source of food by locking up their protector and provider.

Seriously in the scheme of things, what is one man in over 7 billion people, when there are rare cross dimensional beings in jeopardy?

“Jones shot a Ruger LCP .380 handgun multiple times at (the victim) while he was sleeping,” read court records. “Once the victim awoke, he witnessed Jones standing across the room holding the pistol. She then fired additional rounds while standing in the hallway.”
By the photos, one can see Ms. Jones is distraught in being a tortured woman by men and by the Alabama legal system and her worry is for the Big Foot who will now starve. Frankly the Lame Cherry's concern is this woman has a earthy kind of sexiness and appeal about her, in a complete package and on the attractive scale, attractive people simply should not be arrested for things.


I say Don't indict Gwen Jones, indict the United States military and law enforcement for being guilty of not teaching this woman how to fire a weapon.

Jones is now being held in the Shelby County Jail on bonds totaling $81,000 after being charged with domestic violence in the first degree and criminal trespassing in the first degree in addition to the attempted murder charge.

There are things bigger than the law. Barack Hussein Obama was not natural born and no one arrested him for being a Birther. Eric Holder burned up a bus load of kids at Waco, and no one arrested him. How the guy who murdered LaVoy Finnicum with the FBI, no arrests either. Those are small things, compared to a Sasquatch Mama, a Big Foot Whisperer, a Transdimentional Talker of the Talledega Forest.

Save the Big Foot. Alabama must drop all charges against this innocent woman as she has been abandoned by George Noory and all the Big Foot profiteers. Gwen Jones profited nothing, she shared her food, she did this all while dealing with a bad relationship and still looking sexy.

It was only a little gun, built by Ruger to never harm anyone, as no one could aim the thing and it fired only little bullets. The man was not harmed, so the above is proof that Gwen Jones never meant to hurt the man, as if she did, she would have been like Farah Faucett and burned the guy up in bed.

It is a little gun in a Big Foot story. Things are more important than the law, when it comes to a woman saving the Sasquatch.

Nuff Said
