As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is one reality in all democrats are pond scum. From Kamala Harris running with rapist Joe Biden or the democrats of South Dakota trying to use a dead man as a political weapon, they are all without any morals.
The story of South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg sounds like hick central in the national press, a Teddy Kennedy Chappaquiddick, as Ravnsburg reported hitting a deer, but it was a 55 year old man.
Jason Ravnsborg, South Dakota's Attorney General ...
TodaySouth Dakota's attorney general, Jason Ravnsborg, in 2019. He said on Sunday, after a fatal car crash he was involved in, that he was "shocked and filled with sorrow."
While the North and South Dakota Highway Patrols are investigating this case, I'm interested in not allowing democrats to lynch Ravnsborg, so the Lame Cherry will stick to the facts as there are facts in this case.
What we know is two South Dakotans, Republican Jason Ravnsborg and Democrat Joseph Boever met around 10:30 PM on Saturday night on a Highway 14, west of Highmore South Dakota.
Ravnsborg had been at a Republican Lincoln's Day Dinner at Redfield South Dakota. Boemer had crashed his pickup into a hay bale, when he went off the road, while reaching for cigarettes.

Yes this is South Dakota, cow chip central, and these things happen in that state.
The democratic flame thrower relatives have spiked this story in people do not look like deer, that their 55 year old cousin laid in the ditch for a day before he was found, and that they are furious that the AG apologized to the family, before he knew who was dead. As I said, democrats are pond scum in using their own dead to draw political blood.

There is something though in the crash investigation photos which have caught my attention. The democrat cousins "figure" that Boever walked back to his pick up, not waiting for the cousin to appear the next morning to help fix the vehicle. Yes why did the democrat not show up and save his cousin's life by pulling the bumper back, is an issue we have not and will not have explained, as that simple act would have save this man's life.
The crash scene though is giving the impression that this accident took place for around 150 yards. We know that the AG continued on his way, and immediately reported he had hit a deer with his car.
When vehicles impact deer, and modern vehicles with their cheap materials, like hay bales, things get bent and the damage does not allow the car to continue to be driven. This indicates that a glancing blow, a blow like what would take place in a deer jumping out of the ditch unseen and grazing a vehicle.
The evidence is pointing to Boever may have thought the vehicle was his cousin or someone he knew, and he was moving into the vehicle trying to flag it down. As we do not have toxicology reports, someone dressed in dark colors, appearing quickly out of a ditch, would appear to a driver as a deer.
People see and do not see numbers of things while driving. On walks I am amazed how many dipshits are in the Brier Patch, who never see us standing in the ditch or a few yards past an intersection. It is evident that Ravnsborg's mind saw a deer as deer are moving in the cold fronts hitting the northern United States at this time of year.
As one can witness by the short grass in the ditches as they are hayed, that Boever was not killed on impact. There is too much traffic on rural roads and rural people do not miss a thing, so it is evident that Boever was probably disoriented and lived long enough to make it to a fenceline cover before he collapsed.
From the above photo we also know that Boever had violated the pedestrian rule of he was walking with traffic, instead of walking against it on the other side of the road as he should have been.
Facts do not matter in South Dakota, as Representative Bill Janklow, pulled out in front a motorcycle which hit his vehicle, and he was charge with manslaughter and would not mount a defense as the people of that state were out to get Janklow.
The Truth of this case, is close to the forensic psychology of both men. Ravnsvborg was a long way from home, it was late, and he was in a hurry. It was dark and he probably was tired.
Boever was angry and frustrated. He wrecked his pick up. Was mad no one was going to help him, so he set off to "fix it", maybe before the police found out about the wreck, had to owe his relatives for help or someone looted his vehicle. We know the lights were on in his home, meaning he left the house emotional and in a snap decision. It was 10:30 and both men were making mistakes.
For whatever reason, fatigue, drunk, anger, blinded by light, disoriented by the darkness, Boever was walking too far on the road with traffic. Ravnsborg never saw him, but his mind said he saw he deer. Once the accident took place, Ravnsborg was frustrated in hitting a deer, had to report it, and continued on in frustration.
As this is Obama BLM and ANTIFA Soros media, they are sore of Governor Kristi Noem not masking up her state and being a Corona Queen success story, a Trump favorite. The dead will be used to beat the living to death.
For those contemplating this, TL and I were discussing this today in dead squirrels and things on the country roads. TL was saying, "How can people run over animals on the road in not seeing them?"
The answer is most idiot drivers think animals will get out of the way, when animals in fact are stupid. People are animals and are quite stupid too, in being blind as bats with their eyes open, as they daydream, are doped up on meds, texting, doing their makeup, playing with the radio or are Bruce Chilton vacuous to the world.
We will witness if the Truth matters in 2020 as it has not mattered with Donald Trump for the past four years.
An entire career and life, decided in the middle of nowhere, in a middle of nowhere road ditch.
Nuff Said