As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There was an interesting hypothesis in the fall of the Roman empire had a great deal to do with global cooling, as the rise of the Roman empire had a great deal to do with global warming.
The Great Sea in that period of 500 years of time was 4 degrees warmer, and is in fact warmer than it is today.
The Mediterranean Sea was 3.6°F (2°C) hotter during the Roman Empire than other average temperatures at the time, a new study claims.
The Empire coincided with a 500-year period, from AD 1 to AD 500, that was the warmest period of the last 2,000 years in the almost completely land-locked sea.
The climate later progressed towards colder and arid conditions that coincided with the historical fall of the Empire, scientists claim.
Spanish and Italian researchers recorded ratios of magnesium to calcite taken from skeletonized amoebas in marine sediments, an indicator of sea water temperatures, in the Sicily Channel.
They say the warmer period may have also coincided with the shift from the Roman Republic to the great Empire founded by Octavius Augustus in 27 BC.
We know that in another period of time that the Vikings began settling the New World and may have peopled North America with over 60,000 inhabitants in the period of time around 1000 AD. In the United States, this period of settlement was followed by a horrific drought in thee American interior of almost 300 years, which only became wetter, and what followed was the invasion of the United States by notorious far north bands of Sioux and Apache out of Canada.
What is of interest in this, is it was much cooler in the United States in those following years of American and Canadian settlement. The global cooling in fact killed numbers of Americans, but in killing off the weak, it produced a most robust American race which in Christian Protestantism would arise to dominate North America and later the world.
This is most interesting in this 21st century global cooling, in it could produce a like balance shift. Huge population nations as China would starve, but again in new technologies coming online in the United States, Kentucky Fried Chicken is on the threshold of producing chicken meat, based on chicken protein and plant material, without the chicken, in a literal chicken meat growing machine. Starvation would not be a problem in a balanced population where materials for food manufacture would be in supply.
Given the correct formulation, water supply, the Lame Cherry predicted there would one day a food machine, for colonists on other planets, where elements and minerals would be fed in one end, and out the other would appear like assembled foods in vegetables and meats, minus the living entities which feed the world now.
It is interesting that Rome surged in power due to global warming. Warmth provided more growth of crops, a more stable environment for humans and animals involving less stress, and an abundance of Mediterranean climate, the world over.
In the frigid of the brier patch, I was amazed in the year with TL in a Zone 5 location. Snow in the winter melted. Where my gardens here died in September, I was gardening into the end of October. There was not any hurry to plant as tomatoes sprouted in July, bore fruit. In the brier, plants are started indoors in February to get a crop which seems frosted far too soon. It simply amazed me in having 3 to 4 more months of not having winter. There was an old saying by Libby Custer while in the Dakota's that she spent 9 months in winter, and 3 months waiting for summer.
In the hysteria of climate change, you are not informed that cold air has less humidity, and therefore is more arid and things do not sprout as well, and that is what Rome faced, in the dry cycles. Warm air dries faster, but it always carries more humidity, and humidity is what makes plants grow and elevates "feels like temperatures". Yes there is not such a thing as greenhouse gases. Clouds shield the sun and make the world cooler. It is though the reality of warmer air at surface level carries more humidity which brings forth more abundant life.
You do not incubate abundant life below 70 degrees. Those are the facts of seeds and babies. 4 degrees hotter in 0 AD, and the ice all did not melt and the world was not flooded, as global warming alarmists have been predicting our doom for 20 years.
Rome was not built in a day. It was built though by being 4 degrees warmer than now.
Nuff Said