As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the welcome news that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is no longer joining in with her Gorsuch fan club to murder more babies and make child molesting legal, at least we know now why Bunghole Gorsuch was praising his girlfriend they other day, as he knew she was a in coma and was dying....pity that glee club never warned us that Ginsburg was in a coma.
Of course now we will have Donald Trump featured at another Hate Donald funeral. McCain, Bush, and now Ginsburg. I suppose it will be image Obama calling Trump an anti semite this time around.
What the Lame Cherry desires each of you to consider is, how powerful Ruth Bader Ginsburg was. Her corpse though could not spend 5 dollars on her credit card to fund a back alley abortion.
Everything that made Ruth Bader Ginsburg in this world, matters nothing in where she is now.
As a Christian, a Protestant Christian, the reality is Ruth denied Christ. She has zero advocate with Jehovah. No Jesus to wipe away her sins, her many sins, so everything she is, has been recorded on the real Book for which she will be judged by.
This Jew had money, power, position, authority and a lifetime job, and now her corpse has nothing and where she is, none of that carries any weight.
The rich and powerful in this world hide in their position. Most do humanity zero good. Ginsburg is the biggest traitor to the left in America, because her vanity did not allow her to retire so Birther Hussein Obama could nominate a Gorsuch liberal replacement, and now Donald Trump, if he has political sense will nominate the biggest fire breathing Conservative on the planet, a woman of some sort to drive people on the right to the polls and alienate women from democrats giving her the Kavanaugh treatment.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg failed in why God put her on earth, to be redeemed to Him and grow in Spirit. Being a liberal Jew was her god. Ginsburg failed liberals in placing her death as the focal point of this election as it will now be the Supreme Court.
At this moment her cancer form is decomposing in a morgue. She will get her armpits cut, tubes will be shoved in them to pump in preservatives and pump out blood. Things will be done to her which no one should be put through, but it is what the rich and powerful cling to.
She is though dead. She will be Judged by Jesus, Who she denied. Lots of dead babies, lots of destroyed lives in her voting and supporting of anti God and anti American.
Remember that, all of that. Life has consequences. All have sinned and the penalty is death. All are appointed once to die and then the Judgment.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg had her chances in life. She had her opportunities in Churches, Bibles, Christians, and she rejected it all, numerous times over. She was arrogant in her power. She worshiped it and would not give it up, to the destruction of her messiah Obama's legacy.
Remember that, to never be like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and all these other arrogant Christophobes from Rob Reiner, George Soros, to the ANTIFA to BLM, to even the frauds on the right who trot God out to sell Him to the suckers.
That which would have saved Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she rejected.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said