Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Lindsey Williams Predictions of Doom



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Padre Lindsey Williams has a new hour and 44 minute Gaytube transmission posted predicting what he was told was told to a friend who heard it from a European, who said 3 years ago the elite were going to released a pandemic and it happened on the exact month.


I listened to this Williams meandering infomercial as that is what it is.

He parades God around just enough so you listen to him. Then he slipped in "The elite do not have money in the bank they can not afford to lose, and you should have gold".......yeah somewhere he must market the stuff, as much as he has like a half hour of some Mexican quack who you are supposed to call to boost your immune system. The informercial sounds like Williams is getting the same cut that George Noory gets from his snake oil nutritionists too.

Anyway, it takes like most of the video to get to the 4 predictions.

Prediction 1: The plague was spread to shut down Churches in America.

Prediction 2: There is a second plague coming/.

Prediction 3: HAARP is going to freeze all the crops in the fields this autumn.

Prediction 4: The elite are going to spy on you with your iphone.

Tallying that up.......

Looks like shutting down Churches did not work, as no one was going to Church anyway. Williams though was quoting the Bible in you will go to hell if you don't obey the Government.
Yeah he forgot about the things unto Caesar and things unto God.....but if you believe the elite spread this plague to shut down Churches, you probably believe other nonsense too, as I could see the Catholics going after the Protestants, but you might as well believe the plague was sent to shut down the 4th of July fireworks.....didn't work there either.

Second plague......Jerome Corsi said this by his Ivan source. Corsi's stuff has not been that accurate either.

Third prediction............some girl named Lame Cherry has been analysing and featuring HAARP for the past several years in early cold weather being hit upon America......killed the mother and everything, so that is mine.

Fourth prediction........cell phones will spy on people,,,,,,,yeah and they affect your brain, condition you and zombie you. That is not a prediction as everyone knows that.

So hearing from someone who heard from a European elite, is .........stuff you knew from this blog 5 years ago........and I am not pimping you to Mexican quacks and I sure as hell never will sell you gold, as I read the Bible and it says they will cast their gold and silver into the streets.

The one thing I can not figure out and it is easy as Williams is a dumbass, is if you have the elite talking to you, and you are milking it for cash, why in the hell when they are old and the first one kicks off, don't you tell the old guy, "Hey old folks, you got someone else who will preen in front of me and tell me all the things you do once you are dead?"

Would have saved Williams all this waiting around and listening to gossip.

That is just me, but I don't know big shots, don't know anyone really as I dislike people, being around people, and dealing with people. Probably could make an exception for some billionaires who wanted to chat me up about how powerful they are, as I have always wanted to do a study on how sweet billionaires like their coffee or tea.

Nuff Said
