Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Neo Stardumb

Quantities of human lard do not make a star


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was cruising headlines and came across one concerning Candice Owens, who supports Donald Trump, along with Kayne West, in a Twitter feud with something called Cardi B.

There was talk of wet pussies, so I naturally deemed it all offensive and what else would a Joe Biden rapist and racist supporter be talking about.
If you are not interested in these things as I am not, as I read the British press and they have these photos of people who are celebrities and I wonder what trash they are as I have never heard of half of them. When Kim Kardashian figured out you could get fucked by a Nigger and leak the video online for fame, that pretty much ruined stardom and created stardumb
This Cardi B who interviewed Joe Biden and has about as much intelligence as a plantation slave from 1850 AD in the year of our Lord had a recording about WAP, which I looked up, and there are endless sites featuring WAP or Wet Ass Pussy in this ...........it is not a song, as no rap is music, it is just Nigger jive and is how Africans ported bundles across Africa or Gandy Dancrers kept rythmn in straightening railroad tracks before machines did the job.

I doubt any Niggers have any idea what any of the historical Negro cadence was in used for work or what those people even are.

But here is the disgusting Cardi B. She looks like a cheap carnival act thrown up.

Cardi B, has another creature on the same WAP recording and it's name is Shirley Three Stallion or something. The picture is enough to make you vomit up a Cardi B dress after eating cotton candy and sequences after riding the Octopus, but her this thing is.

It requires stating in this world that Cardi B and this Stallion thing are not ladies and never will be. A Lady does not have zero taste in fashion, knows that exposing things which make people wince and want to vomit while singing about aroused female sexual body parts is something that is seared from femininity. These two are the breeding baboon of Africa who are serviced by a male baboon to 100 females a night.

There honestly is something psychologically wrong with males or females who think violation of the Euclidean lines is attractive.

In the coming Nazi cleansing of America, I sincerely hope that these vomit inducing creatures are all shipped back to Africa's 2 billion population where cannibalism will be instituted as a delicacy and these Afroids will be the main course for Africans. I hope the Nazi saviors institute a reformation of Blackness, where instead of the Oprah brown paper bag skin color, that instead Blacks will be judged Black enough by the Kayne West, Clarence Thomas and Candice Owens shade of minds.
As Candice and Kayne already are a proven breeding group, keep them safe from Planned Parenthood and as stated start Planned Parenthood diners in Africa for Africans to feast on this carnival vomit exported protein source, so America will have a truly emancipated and intelligent Black culture from which to build from.

I have had it with the stardumb and hope the Nazi saviors of America who are battling all of this Obama Intifada and Soros Antifa to bring about the new world order, will bring back stardom, where the only things wet in songs are the rain, tears and the ocean.

Nuff Said

Oh and to re educate people, this is what a real song, real music, real lyrics and a real star sound like.

Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay (Official Music Video)
