As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As Peter Strzok cashes in on his actions at the FBI, which caused the worst crisis since illegitimate Barack Hussein Obama supplanted the Presidency of the United States, with an election meddling title:
Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump
The problem of Peter Strzok is manifested in his words and lack of them.
Strzok wrote in his new book, Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump, that then-FBI Director James Comey instructed the Crossfire Hurricane team to proceed “with deliberate speed” and claimed that “we also exercised extreme caution.” Strzok called it “a difficult balance to strike, and some of the risk we knew we were incurring manifested itself in the mistakes that … Horowitz later found.” Strzok defended the FBI, saying that “notwithstanding that valid criticism, and as the IG also found, the investigation of Page was appropriate and within the bounds of the law,” and “I am proud of how we handled it.”
The Lame Cherry asks you a simple thing. What if Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, was targeted by the FBI, for being a Muslim spy, in her connection with the Minnesota Muslim Omar, and AOC was going to plant a nuclear bomb in Washington DC and working with China which would invade, would be recognized as President.
That is all treacherous actions, but what if you were with the FBI, investigating all of this, and you knew that all of the information was fake, that it was created by Marco Rubio and the Bush family.
You would sit and watch AOC bankrupted, celebrities issuing death threats with riots breaking out across America.
Watching someone be destroyed, and you had information, even if you disliked them, would you sit quiet and not say anything to clear them, as the Congress moved to throw AOC out of the House and the DOJ was about to indict her and place her in prison for 50 years?
As a Christian, this is what is missing with the adulterer Peter Strzok. There are innocent Americans whose lives have been bankrupted, their careers destroyed, some are in legal jeopardy, and Peter Strzok did not as a law enforcement officer, the chief foreign intelligence officer, did not do one thing humane, the Lincoln Better Angels of our Nature, to uphold the law or protect Americans from becoming lynched.
I simply could not stand by and allow anyone who was innocent to be destroyed, no matter if I liked them or not. It is one thing as General Sherman told a self absorbed jerk who refused to help him when he needed help, that the person did not help him on the way up, so he was not going to help him on his way down, when being a jerk caught up with him. It is another thing to do the kind of squat assassin actions which Agent Strzok undertook against the United States.
Peter Strzok is the kind of person who would allow the entire United States melt down and the innocent people destroyed, for something which is missing inside Peter Strzok.
Peter Strzok is amoral. He is not immoral, his psychosis is he has nothing inside of him that tells him not to not chat on his wife, not to destroy Lisa Page's family and not to say a word to keep innocent people like Carter Page from being persons of interest in criminal investigations.
That is the problem with Peter Strzok.

Nuff Said