As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the long ago death of the American Republic, America in 2020 is in the throws of abject brazen tyranny, instead of the polite tyranny where everyone pretends that America is not a nation with bought and paid for politicians, judges and law enforcement as crooked as any in the world.
America is faced with a reality of Webster Griffin Tarpley where he confessed the 1% would rule America in divided democrat party of Nazis and Communists and the GOP would become just another 3rd rate Green and Libertarian party.
The fact is all of this is the reality and the question in all of this criminality, do you want to exist under the kind of governance of Donald Trump or the kind of community organized rot which typifies every metropolitan city state.
Trump's hint that he may not concede
election is America's tipping point
American history is filled with illegitimate politicians. Aaron Burr is one of the most notoriously known, but his story typifies in a powerful and rich man of New York who would not concede.
Burr was the 3rd Vice President of these United States. He almost ousted Jefferson for the Presidency, and then in a series of self destruction, Burr murdered Alexander Hamilton, fled west, tried to start his own empire, was arrested on treason, could not be convicted, and to stop his own lynching, fled to Europe, only to return years later and die in obscurity.
Burr was Jefferson's vice-presidential candidate on the 1800 Jeffersonian Republican ticket. An electoral college tie between Jefferson and Burr resulted in the House of Representatives deciding in Jefferson's favor. Although he maintained that he supported Jefferson, the president was highly suspicious of Burr. Consequently, Burr was essentially sidelined by Jefferson. Burr fatally shot his political rival Hamilton in an 1804 duel, during the last full year of his single term as vice president. Though the duel was illegal, he was never tried, and all charges against him eventually were dropped. Nevertheless, Hamilton's death ended Burr's political career.
Burr left Washington, D.C., and traveled west, seeking new opportunities, both economic and political; further, he left behind the controversy surrounding him in more cosmopolitan parts of the country. His activities eventually led to his arrest on charges of treason in 1807. He was tried multiple times, but acquitted; nevertheless, the fallout left him with large debts and few influential friends. To avoid vigilante execution, and further charges by the state, he left the United States for Europe. He remained overseas until 1812 when he returned to the United States to practice law in New York City. He spent the remainder of his life there, dying in relative obscurity.
In 1960, Richard Nixon, had the presidency stolen from him by John Kennedy, which sent off catastrophic consequences in American and global upheaval. Richard Nixon conceded for the good of America, but the short term, proved the long term was not the good of America.
The fact is in 2000, in the installment of George W. Bush, that Al Gore never conceded, the entire democratic party led by John Kerry, went on a treasonous binge to bring down the GOP and Bush. It would be Bush who would cover up the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama being illigetimate to be President, which set off the current coups against Donald Trump.
In fact, it was the Bush family behind the Pissgate dossier, and more to the point, they are in 2020, conducting the same operation against the United States, in attempting to overthrow an election for their interests.
Besides The Lincoln Project, several Republican-backed groups have been formed in recent months to support Biden including 43 Alumni for Biden, a super PAC involving hundreds of officials who served in Republican President George W. Bush’s administration, and a coalition of former Republican national security officials.
That is the essence of this, if George Washington had a cabal attempting to overthrow his election, should he concede? Abraham Lincoln had such a cabal and used every crook and trick to defeat them, so he did not have to concede.
Should Donald Trump concede to election theft? Should Donald Trump concede to having the Presidency stolen from him?
Just as in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, Donald Trump is the only horse to ride, but this is not to ride out of what is coming, but to ride through it and hope a remnant survives. There is coming a chaos which will disrupt order as never before experienced in humanity. If you are voting for Republicanism, then Donald Trump is not your President. If you are voting for cronyism in the Bush nazism, then Donald Trump is not your President. If you are voting for Obama communism, then Donald Trump is not your President. If you have sense to vote for a chance to survive, not in America of fiction, but in what America is, the metropolitan fertilizer for the crop of cottages to follow in George Washington vision, that is the essence of this election.
The best thing for Americans would be Donald Trump not conceding. Donald Trump deputizing armed Americans to a time of Purr to settled the scores, but what will happen is an America where a conglomerate police state produces a rule of order as we watch this in Animal Farm barn graffiti.
Donald Trump is not going to be what I want, but he is all there is. This is all set up so that he is the only choice of impossible choices. Goddamn crony trash of Lincoln Project or Goddamn Obama trash of that 3rd world shit hole out of Buckingham Palace.
All there is left is Donald Trump not conceding.
Nuff Said