As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Do not underestimate the deliberate political terror acts which have been unleashed upon America, in seemingly "helpful" socialism and communism of Woodrow Wilson and FDR.
Do not overlook Dwight Eisenhower's diversion to the military industrial complex he funded, to the LBJ Socio Conglomerate welfare state, as the Courts rid America of Christian morality and Mockingbird CIA funded media which brainwashed Sodom into Americans.
All of this has been by design. It is deliberate, and no action was wasted. The consequences of Birther Hussein Obama have unleashed a protected criminal coup against elections and George Soros ANTIFA terrorists protected by FOX Britain.
Everything happening was designed to eliminate the Republic and convert it to a Conglomerate Board which is protected by the police state and military while criminalizing White American Protestants.
This was all be design. What is happening is by design, what is coming is by design and what will be the final product is by design.
This is not one person. You never see the Lords and the Priests who control all of this as the political leftism is the cover for what will be. Useful idiots are chosen in both spectrums of the ideological landscape.
This will not be over until the return of the Christ. You will see children legally raped and you will see people harvested of product like chickens in a cage laying eggs.
Nuff Said