As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
With another semi preserved prehistoric carcass discovered in a Siberian cave, of a cave bear, and the reality that numbers of other species have been found in tact, it is past time that science explain how tropical foliage is in Antarctica, and what kind of event would have caused animals to shelter in numbers and to die, and become preserved as something changed on the earth in this period of time.

Scientists at North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) in Yakutsk, Russia, on Monday announced a finding of "great importance" — a preserved Ice Age cave bear carcass, estimated to be to be between 22,000 and 39,500 years old.Even the bear's nose is still intact, the university said in a statement.The preserved bear was found by reindeer herders on Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island, part of the Lyakhovsky Islands archipelago in northern Russia, according to a statement from NEFU."Today this is the first and only find of its kind — a whole bear carcass with soft tissues," scientist Lena Grigorieva said in a statement. "It is completely preserved, with all internal organs in place including even its nose. Previously, only skulls and bones were found. This find is of great importance for the whole world."Radiocarbon analysis will be conducted to determine the exact age of the bear, senior researcher Maxim Cheprasov from the Mammoth Museum laboratory in Yakutsk said in a statement.Mammoths, woolly rhinos, Ice Age foal, puppies and Cave Lion cubs have been discovered as permafrost melts in Siberia, scientists from NEFU said.
The fact is that mammoths only died out in the Arctic a few hundred years ago. The advent of permafrost melting, indicates that when these animals were in the Arctic it was a great deal warmer, as when the mammoths were alive on remote islands. The point is, an earth cooling eventually killed off these animals from this harsh climate, and animals were isolated by a rapid increase in ocean rise.
What if all of this was the great flood of Noah and the earth divided in the continents. That isolated islands were once large expanses of valleys below. The reality is that we have enough data which includes Greenland ice core samples of horrific dust storms on North America, not that long ago, that what took place was a massive continental shift, cooling under water, glaciers, and then a rapid melt, with the land beginning to root weeds and then prairies and forests which were not that old in North America when White's arrived.
All of this is what it is. I would that cloning would take place to examine these animals once again, and ascertain if they would survive in a modern age. I am not for predators, but the herbivores would be welcome, and to see a giant sloth would be wonderful.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said