Saturday, October 10, 2020
Ectoplasm Evolved
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was moved to share a photo of my entities from the front porch.
I am fascinated by them as the history of them has been unique in they were quite active when the cameras were put up, they were quite active, and the first night they figured out one camera was on, and were hovering around it.
We moved cameras around and it took them some time to figure out where it was, and then I thought they were gone. What was interesting is they were never active when the animals were there, or vice versa, meaning the animals never were present when the entities were there.
A bull wandered through the yard and that was the first indication that both were photographed together. I began to wonder if they had moved off or taken a shine to all the service people who were coming and going in the yard, as I stated, they disappeared during this time.
It was today though, September 6th and 7th, that this spectacle appeared which delighted me. This was the first time this camera picked up this kind of activity.
You can see the fawn by the one porch post, and it is unaware of the orbs which are unique in different shapes. Literally this can not be movement, bugs or moisture. This is ectoplasm and I am delighted they have returned. I believe they went home with the workers who were here, thinking they were the intended, but realized they were not.
It appears they are taking on more form. There is another picture which was fantastic in a grand beam of light, more brilliant than any others we have seen.
Nuff Said