Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Just an English whore Story

Just ride this around to prepare you for the American GI's

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

General James Doolittle recorded this incident in the autumn of 1944 in England as head of the 8th Air Force in World War II.

An attractive English mum and her teenage daughter, appeared at headquarters and were shown into his office, where upon, they inquired the whereabouts of a certain Sargent, which apparently as the mum worked nights and the daughter worked days, the Sargent had been entertaining each of them when the other was away.

Upon inquiry, it was discovered that the Sargent had been rotated stateside.

With that information, the women announced they were both pregnant.

General Doolittle began assuring them of their legal rights.

The women cut him off and said, "We don't care about that. What we care about is he borrowed our bicycle to visit us and return to base. We want our bicycle back".

So in the spring of 1945 AD in the year of our Lord, within biking distance of the 8th Air Force headquarters, two bastards were born.

Now the mum had a child. The daughter had a child. The daughter's child had a sibling, and also an aunt or uncle. The niece or nephew had not only an aunt or uncle, but a sibling.

I wonder if these English bastards ever were told, or how they told their spouses and sibling what whores their mothers were, in selling their bodies for American cock and chocolates, in England pimped their women just like they did for the Romans.

I wonder about the sperm donor they were serviced by. What did he tell his family, sweetheart, wife? Nothing of course, and what of the father of the daughter........was he buried or just off fighting the war and was too English to figure out that 48 month pregnancies are quite rare.

As the English are whores, I do not see what Franklin Roosevelt had America protecting. The Soviets raped German women in mass, along with Slavic women. American occupationals also purchased German girls for scraps of bread.
The Germans did not seem to have an enterprise in this.The Germans just bought whores or kept one to keep the bed warm. There was not any of this bicycles and Judah's daughter in law sitting at the gate for sperm implanting.

It seems an expensive way to fuck women for Americans. Hundreds of thousands dead, billions in costs, the Republic assassinated and the fact that two English women did not have enough nethers to keep one American cock around.


This is what America was fighting for and should have been fighting against.
