As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The above photo is one of the most defining realities of what the faggot Matt Drudge is, Peggy Noonan worked for Ronald Reagan, but at the worst possible time, Noonan stabbed Republicans in the back and backed Birther Hussein Obama.
Ann Coulter is another featured piece of deep state fraud. From her fagsexual promotions, to her cuddling with pedophiles, Coulter was the one who attacked people on right for stating Coronavirus is a biological weapon, and not as she said in it came out of a bats' ass.

I well remember the introduction of Matt Drudge to the public. The platform was the CIA's mic head, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III. Yes, I remember who vouched for Matt Drudge, in how Limbaugh ushered this faggot into the right, talking about his site, how wonderful it was, and he featured Drudge on his program in person.
Drudge like all of these frauds, from Chris Wallace to Shep Smith, told the people on the right, they were just like us, and suddenly, they were back in the left with all the lies.
I could not be more pleased that the fraud of Matt Drudge has come home. Drudge is the fraud of the internet. Drudge's unique visitors, were never real. His site auto reloads, and as most dupes left Drudge run in the background, one person was counted hundreds of times a day.
Drudge had 100 million "readers" in a month. 30 days into 100 million is 3 million. Take 300 reloads a day off 3 million, and you are left with 10,000 wetware.
Rush Limbaugh uses the same accumulative data to get millions of listeners.
Bots are what drives this fraud. False numbers for false advertising rates. Mark Zuckerberg is part of this deep state money laundering which came out of Obama's dictatorship.
Drudge Report Continues Historic Readership Collapse, Down ...
Comscore data also put Drudge's viewers at 1.488 million unique visitors in July, down 38% from July of 2019, according to The Wrap. About a year ago, in August 2019, the site was posting "well over 100 million" readers. The site's recent numbers mark a steep 40% decline year over year. They also mark Drudge's lowest numbers in decades.Trump's Right: Drudge Report's Audience Is Down Nearly 40% YOY
Remarking on a post that said the Drudge Report had seen a "historic crash," the president wrote on Twitter Sunday, " Such an honor! Drudge is down 40% plus since he became Fake News. Most ...
And all this required was the Lame Cherry stating what bunch of bullshit Matt Drudge was and is. This poor orphan girl told readers to use alternative sites, and just like that, Matt Drudge this homosexual abomination tanked.
Nuff Said.