Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Sex drove Hitler to Madness

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

I was reading a horrid book, co authored by Bill O'Reilly on the death of General George Patton, and the ghost writer for O'Reilly, makes a passing point which has been published for some time that Adolf Hitler had advanced stages of syphilis, from tremors to lesions on his legs.

The point in all of this propaganda is to make Adolf Hitler into a pervert and insane, but upon examination of this reality, there is a glaring question for modern examination of this issue, in can someone who is mentally ill, be maligned if their sense of reasoning is impaired?

The story of Adolf Hitler is one of a young German Soldier, a true hero in war, terribly injured in battle, on the streets of Vienna, engaged in sex with a Jewish prostitute. As all crime is ethnic associated, there is a reality that a Jewish pimp managed this Jewish prostitute, who had venereal disease and was knowingly infecting German Soldiers on leave.

This is now an added new dimension to Adolf Hitler in, "How much did it affect him in this period of political psychological formation, that his view of Jewry was one which infected him with a life threatening disease. This was a period when antibiotics did not exist. Al Capone, the American gangster, was infected with a sexual disease and it incapacitated him, as it did many people in the world.

The unrelenting "Dirty Jew" which appears in the Nazi talking points, was a first hand experience with Adolf Hitler. Jewish organized crime brought ruin to his life with the "Jew Disease" as he referred to syphilis, and Mein Kampf was devoted 13 pages to the immense problem of sexual disease.

For almost 50 years before Adolf Hitler was infected, Europe was experiencing a vast problem of insurrection, and it was arising from the Jewish communities. It became a common political reality that Jews were the anarchists and were murdering the royals of Europe. The purges which took place in Europe, and an American Jewess wrote in America, "give us your poor", was designed to bring all of these left wing Jews into America, who were joining the Jewish agents of Meyer Rothschild in taking control of key parts of the United States economy.

In Russia, this devolved to the Marxists who were Jewish created, overthrew the Russian Government and murdered the royal family.

In the same period, Jewish propaganda began scripting not for the overthrow of Germany, but the genocide of Germans and an end to Germany.

With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and -- as chairman of the Central Executive Committee -- head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky.6
Lenin himself was of mostly Russian and Kalmuck ancestry, but he was also one-quarter Jewish. His maternal grandfather, Israel (Alexander) Blank, was a Ukrainian Jew

In this political tempest of  capitalist exploitation and dominance by America in the West, British Imperialism based on colonial slavery, meeting Jewish communism in the East, Adolf Hitler formed an ideology which was leftist in socialism. That is what Nazism is, National Socialism. Socialism was the absolute monarchy state control of business, directing to conglomerates tax revenues collected from the people, in order to employ the masses to the best possible life the state could produce.

In Russia the workers paradise had poverty. In America the workers dream had poverty. In England the workers had crumbs, but in Germany, the workers had organized labor and an improving state of life.

The following is the reality though of what was taking place in Germany. Germans were land base aristocrats who were wealthy. In Germany though another minority class had arisen in the Jews. They dominated a number of vocations and they were shaping what was becoming Germany.
What literally lost World War I for Germany was Jewish led workers riots which shut down Germany. The military was poised for victory, and suddenly Germany capitulated and removed the Kaiser, and what became the regime was the old aristocrats and leftist Jews in communism.

This is the world which Adolf Hitler was being formed by. A patriotic German, who was experiencing his homeland being overthrown by communists, whose leadership was Jewish, and the call for the annihilation of Germans, and in this midst, Adolf Hitler had an incurable disease which was infected into him, from a Jewish prostitute, part of this Jewish organized crime overthrowing Germany.

Jews numbered at most
about one per cent of the German population between 1871 and 1933, and this
percentage had been steadily declining [GORDON, p. 8] but by the end of the
eighteenth century, “a high proportion of the landed and liquid wealth in Prussia
was in the hands of either nobles or Jews.” [HERTZ, p. 36] By 1908, 12 of the
20 richest Berliners were of Jewish ancestry, as were 11 of the 25 richest people
in Prussia. [MOSSE, W., 1987, p. 208] Of the top 200 Prussian millionaires, 55
were Jewish. Of the top 800, 190 were of Jewish extraction. [MOSSE, p. 30] 41%
of Prussian iron and scrap iron firms, and 57% of other metal businesses were
owned by Jews. [GORDON, p. 11] Although Jews in 1903 were only 0.74% of
the labor force in Prussia, 27% of all Prussian lawyers were Jews, as were 10%
of apprenticed lawyers, 47% of magistrates, and 30% of all higher ranks of the
judiciary. [GORDON, p. 13]

By the 1930s, 46% of German Jews were self-employed. [KOTKIN, p. 43] In
1932, six million Germans were unemployed. [RUBENSTEIN, R.L., p. 117] In
the town of Sonderburg, in the Rhineland area of Germany, “of the five largest
employers, two were Jewish firms; in one case, the Jewish-owned mill employed
hundreds of Gentile workers – as many as 20 percent of the working adult labor
force. In a very real sense, the Gentile community depended on Jews for
employment and for retail goods.” [HENRY, F., p. 52]

Gentile fortunes in Germany and its environs were based in landownership
and agriculture; Jewish fortunes were founded upon banking and finance.
[MOSSE p. 206] In Berlin, by the eighteenth century,

In 1923, 150 of the 161 privately-owned banks in Berlin were Jewish; [GORDON,
p. 11] “In Berlin alone,” notes Jewish author Edwin Black, “about 75% of
the attorneys, and nearly as many doctors, were Jewish.” [BLACK, p. 58] “All the
major Berlin department stores – Wertheim, Herman Tietz, N. Israel,
KaDeWe,” says Jewish author Peter Wyden, “were the properties of Jews. All the
principal newspaper publishers and thirteen of the drama critics were Jews.
Garment manufacturing, a major industry, was generally known to be in Jewish
hands.” [WYDEN, p. 21]

There are questions now which are legitimate in the point in "Did Jewish organized crime create the holocaust by preying on a young Hitler and so prejudicing him, that an entire leftist movement was based on the social and political reality the Jewish reality in wealthy Jewry, profiting from exploiting poor Jews as workers and prostitutes, who really were ghetto disease carriers of sexual plagues and lice plagues of typhus, the factual basis for Nazi propaganda?"

The facts are yes as the Jews dominated banking, academia, media, manufacturing and clothing in Germany. The Bolsheviks who are Jews in Russia had just murdered the government and established as Soviet which was the military solution to wiping the German, Austrian, Hungarian, French, Spanish and English regimes from the map of Europe.

Francisco Franco was the answer to this in Spain, but for most of Europe the answer was to dump their Jews into the United States .For Germany, with the Jewish control of the nation, the political answer was Adolf Hitler in re establishing a Germany for Germans.

If one considers the myriad of propaganda against Hitler and Germans, how the holocaust industry is in fact a money making industry still today in creating an incomplete history of what this period really was, it becomes for each person to begin asking the question within themselves, if someone infected them with a life ending disease, would you embrace those peoples or would you resent them?
If that disease began clouding your judgment, after policies were formed, and as Bill O'Reilly and his ghost writer note that Adolf Hitler was being injected daily with narcotics by his physicians, is Hitler the most evil person ever or is he a mentally impaired drug addict due to health issues?

In a leftist humanitarian world, humanitarian, because this policy means groups receive billions of dollars in tax money to be "humanitarians", the public is informed they must have absolute compassion in not judging drug addicts, those with sexual diseases, and those with mental instability, as these people are all victims.
Why is it that Adolf Hitler is never a victim when he meets all three criteria? The answer is, there is a vast money monopoly in flailing the dead Hitler around.

The point is being reached where a complete picture is finally being reviewed of this period in world history. The relevant facts are that powerful Jews in finance, funded academia to create a political system called Marxism, in which the few could control the masses they employed for the greatest profit margin.
In the disease infested Jewish ghettos and brothels which the elders managed, the contraband economy made fortunes off of prostitution which infected young men, who then went to Jewish doctors for ineffective cures.

Adolf Hilter has been blamed for his part in the global upheaval. It was was called madness, and now it appears it was syphilis madness in the latter stages. It is time to examine now the group who drove Hitler to madness by giving him a disease and examine what policies this group was engaged in, which moved Adolf Hitler to construct a political firewall to that community organized exploitation.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
