Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Benefits of being a Rock Cock Whore


Don it was just tissue made of semen



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I saw this headline about Stevie Nicks in if she had not butchered her baby in the womb, there would not have been the wonder of Fleetwood Mac.


People o

 Forgive the pregnant pause here, but here am I as dumbfounded as Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, who could not get why people were so into the Beatles as their music was so simple that retards banging on trash cans could write that stuff reading first grader crush notes.

There are two bands which time has been most unkind to. The worst is Michael Jackson as his music is really poor quality, considering the popularity it had. The second is Fleetwood Mac. They honestly give the tards of the Beatles a run for the most cringe worthy music which ever got onto the charts.

Now mind you I like Mic Fleetwood. He was a drummer. That does not take talent, but putting up with asstards with mediocre talent does. The worst in Fleetwood Mac was Stevie Nicks who forever does this sheet flapping in the breeze clothing  thing on stage thinking it is noteworthy and the other is Lindsey Buckingham, who did things to guitar.
The reality is that Fleetwood Mac was never Led Zepplin. Led Zepplin on it's worst day was still better than Fleetwood on it's best.

The real talent in Fleetwood Mac as Christine McVie. She turned out the two best songs the group ever charted. YOU MAKE LOVIN' FUN was real talent.

In having a basic understanding of this, Stevie Nicks makes her point that Fleetwood Mac would never have been, if she had not butchered a baby for fame, fortune and doing sheet dances on stage.

I cherish this in being able to break this to Ms. Nicks, who just adored Bill Clinton and then later lamented to pervert David Letterman, that "Bill Clinton was just not mature enough to be President". Well duh, every Chirstian and Veteran knew that, but after putting American througth the rape cylinder, it finally was the reality that Stevie Nicks comprehended. I doubt she learned a blessed thing.
What I cherish to break to Stevie Nicks is that Fleetwood Mac could have found any number of back alley whores in London, to be their lead sinnger, as Stevie Nicks has always sung like she had a cock in her mouth. Couple the Stevie Nicks cock in her mouth mumbling vocals, she sounds like she spent too much time with Lindsey Buckingham banging her head on the headboards of the bed. She has the weed head presence and for a five pound note on a London street, you could get any whore to make the sounds Stevie Nicks does, including those metalic squalls she does.
As for Lindsey Buckingham who used to slap Nicks around, which is looking more the reason why in something this inflatable ego stupid, belongs in a sexy shop blow up doll box, the recently beloved and deceased Eddie Van Halen, dead in the casket with a guitar could play better than Buckingham.

So as most people say they fucked their careers away, Stevie Nicks comes to America and says she butchered a baby to make her career, and that of losers like Christine McVie and Mic Fleetwood, who never would have been anything without babies being aborted by Stevie Nicks.

Forgive another pregnant pause here, but  Fleetwood Mac was a successful band, starting in 1967. Buckingham did not join until 1974, and his condition for joining as guitar plinker was to get Stevie Nicks a job with the band. Yeah, no one wanted this folk singer flake.

The fact is Buckingham Nicks was a disaster as a duo. They got dumped by a record label and when Mick Fleetwood called, Buckingham was making a living with the Everly Brothers as a guitar player. None of that sounds like the reason Fleetwood Mac was a success, and it was not.

So did butchering a baby create a career? Only satan knows and will collect. The thing is in that era thousands of Catholic women had a dozen kids and had careers, so Stevie Nicks is making a point in her own shortcomings as a woman, in she apparently can't do two things at once, like making a living as mistress whore while being a mum.

That about wraps up the saga of Stevie Nicks who sings like she has a cock in her mouth and is retarded from boner banging her head into a head board.

She probably should think before she talks, as her history is she did zero thoughting when opening her mouth or her legs to cock.

Nuff Said
