Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Murder of George S. Patton Confirmed

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the reading of General George S. Patton's memoirs, there is a reality that several assassination attempts took place against his life. On in which he was flying back from Paris, as 5 British Spitfires, marked Polish, flying out of their war zone, had one dive on Patton's plane, dive again, and then crash, as 4 other Spitfires circled overhead was one of numerous events which were aimed at the General.

What arose though a fact in George Patton was murdered, by the United States regime which Franklin Roosevelt had put into place, was the confession the contractor, a US Army OSS officer named Douglas Bazatta which produced the first working format to the context of how Patton died.

"For divers political reasons, many extremely high-ranking persons
 hated Patton. I know who killed him. Because I am the one who was
hired to do it.
Ten thousand dollars. General William Donovan himself, director
of the O.S.S, entrusted me with the mission. I set up the accident. Since he didn't
die in the accident, he was kept in isolation in the hospital,

where he was killed with an injection." 

Douglas Bazatta

Douglas Bazatta had a sterling reputation with the CIA until he confessed his part on the murder of General Patton. His last employer was Sec. of Defense John Lehman under Ronald Reagan.

The essence of this operation was Franklin Roosevelt's friend and henchman, Will Bill Donovan, who was cleared by FDR to create the Office of Strategic Services. Donovan had a budget of 20 million dollars to spend without reporting where the money went. Donovan would help the murderous communists of China under Mao, would assist the communists in Greece and the Balkans, work for a world without the British as the world was to be divided into the American socialist and the Russian communist camp.

It was Donovan who paid the Lebanese Jew, Douglas Bazatta to deploy a hit team, and actions to assassinate George Patton. In the series of events which led to the murder of the General, the first attempt was on a hunting trip, on the last day General Patton was to be in Europe, as he was departing back to the United States.
In this, his driver waited for a train, then crossed the tracks, and noticed a GMC Army truck parked there and pulling out in their direction. The vehicles were only moving at 20 mph, but as Patton's Cadillac approached, the driver, and 3 passengers swerved into hitting Patton's staff car.

In the accident, Patton was seriously injured, and no one else was. It was a bizarre accident, as Patton had a huge gash on the top of head. His neck was broken and he was pleading with his fellow passenger to move his fingers as he could not feel them.

Douglas Bazatta fills in the events, as he stated the GMC truck was a diversion. He was hiding behind junked military equipment, and at the moment of the crash, he fired a specially made "gun" which fired rocks as projectiles. Patton was to die as "whiplash" and in that just as stone from David's sling killed Goliath, George Patton was to have been murdered there by a rock projectile to the skull.

Bazata said that the car accident was really just a ruse for him to shoot the general with a silent projectile that he said would cause the ‘the equivalent of a whiplash suffered at a speed of 80 or 100 miles an hour.’ He explained that he hid behind derelict equipment cast away on the side of the road, waiting for Patton’s car to drive by.
Furthermore, he said that this special made weapon was fashioned in a foreign country whose ‘identity he never knew.’ Instead of bullets, the device launched rocks that could easily look like debris in the aftermath and also create damage that didn’t look like bullet wounds. Perhaps this explains why Patton’s injuries were so severe in comparison to the other passengers who walked away from the accident with just a few scrapes. Experts were always confounded by how the general broke his neck in whiplash going 20mph.


Horace Wooding, Patton's Driver

Patton though survived, and instead of being taken to the hospital, was moved to a military post 20 miles away in isolation. His 3rd vertebrae had been shattered. His breathing was difficult, but in a few days, he began to recover remarkably, in a full upper body cast. Feeling was returning to his extremities.

Patton did have blood clot, but that stage was passing too. He had been cleared for travel back to the United States for rehabilitation. He drank some egg nog, and stated he felt wonderful.
His wife Beatrice was at his side the entire time, and he awoke at dusk and noted how very dark it was. Those were the last words George Patton is known to have spoken, as his wife went to the cafeteria to have supper, and was summoned shortly thereafter that she had to return to the room. Patton was already dead.

Bazatta relates that a follow up assassination plan was set into motion, and that another assassin was let into the well guarded room and injected cyanide into George S. Patton, which ended his life.

Patton, he did not take direct responsibility for his actual death. However, he stated that he knows who killed Patton, and that that was a prescription of a dose of cyanide in the hospital he entered after the car wreck, and that he perished from cyanide.

In all of this, whoever it was who injected the General, had clearance, as reporters had bribed staff, tried to infiltrate and were caught numerous times by the alert Military Police. For someone to get into the isolated room where George Patton was, just as his wife left, was someone the MP never gave a thought to.

Bazatta never revealed who that assassin was.

In each of the attempts on George Patton's life, there were peculiarities from Polish air wings for England to the Army truck 50 miles from where it should have been, and the driver and companions looting the General's car of insignia. In mirrored assassinations, General George Custer would have like strange things happening, equal to John F. Kennedy, and the remarkable part is, all of these men were democrats.

The reason George Patton was murdered was a new world order was being constructed and amazingly George Patton who once provided a tour of Roman military site in France, although he had never been there as George Patton, offered up three chilling and interesting predictions which all came absolutely true.

Patton stated that his time had run out and that he would die.

Patton predicted that finagler Dwight Eisenhower who oversaw the murder of 11 million Germans in American concentration camps after the war would run for president.

Patton stated that the Soviet Union would be the major problem for the world and they were.

 As Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Donovan, the communists on Roosevelt's staff and later Harry Truman all moved forward with, was a world handed over to the Soviet Union. On the other hand, George Patton, the liberator of Europe, had been relegated to a historian's role in Germany.
The General spoke of leaving the military behind him, so that he could speak freely. This was the same General Patton who had begun reconstituting the German Wehrmacht  to join with his 3rd Army for the war he knew was coming with the communists of the Soviet Union.

This is why George Patton was murdered and why his murder has been covered up since his death, and only a few clues have ever come to revelation.

Those are the facts of the murder of George S. Patton. The people of the United States deserve the Truth, before they like Patton cease to be a people, by the same global cartel who assassinated this American Hero and Protector of thee American People.

Once again, Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
