By God I will beat Joe Biden and Coronavirus too!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A vigorous President Trump strode to Marine One to chauffeur him to Walter Reed Medical Center as a precautionary measure. The precautionary measure has to do with Boris Johnson, the Prome Minister of the UK who was doing well, but in that L strain, it took a rapid turn to downgrade before he recovered. To plan for all contingencies, the President is working from Walter Reed, instead of having to be transported there in an emergency.
The President is in good spirits and has been treated with antibodies and an antacid. White House Press Sec. stated he is fatigued and other sources stated he has had slight fever, chills, some congestion and cough.
The President recorded this message to aleve concerns for his public that he is still in robust health. As you can hear and see, Donald Trump is doing well.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2020
Having had our bouts of Coronavirus, including the last diarrhea bout, I will confirm that you do become fatigued when this infection takes place, but I never stopped working in doing chores and working on this blog. I simply slept.
In our last bout of this by our keepers, we were both tired, but that is what sleep is for.
What one can expect is the antibodies will begin fighting off the bioweapon infection, and when all goes well, the President will leave Walter Reed for the White House, and when he is cleared, he will be back among the public again.
Let no one forget how scared anyone would be with this virus. The President has shown courage and all through this has been responsible to not only himself, but to America, the markets and to national defense. He is being typically remarkable and the good in us, should pray for his, the First Lady, and his staff's recovery.
What else could any expect but more dramatic effect from the one who drives furiously, President Donald Trump.
Nuff Said