Thursday, November 19, 2020

Biden's Kristolnatcht for Christians



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 I think of Ted Cruz's screwmate from 2016 AD, and think of how bad of judge of character he was, just like John the hero McCain in trusting that Nichole Wallace and Steve Schmidt, now icons of the left.

Yet here is that sex kitten, Amanda Carpenter, camping out at CNN, signaling like others the panic which they are in. All they had was vote fraud, and the Mockingbird media to steamroll the President into submission, and now two prestigious American Federal Prosecutors have exposed the corruption of who offered the Biden campaign, to put traitor Joe into the White House for control of the world.

Mandy C should really have a second set of undies so she does not catch cold, and be aware that Webster Griffin Tarpley stated the masters would divide the democratic party like a melon. This is Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, image Obama have joined in on, the cracking of the DNC like an egg, and little Mandy with the wet knickers is feeling all helpless not being in the loop.
She should have been rubbing that hot body of hers on Webster Griff as she would not be out on a limb pleading till her snatch is winking wetters.




You should pay close attention to who is saying out out of this rabbit hole, as it is really a who's who of the trot along scum who were hired for this continuing coup in the United States. You will remember Evan McMullin. Chris Krebs of Homeland who vouched these elections were legit, and that Jew Vindman who started the Impeachment against Donald Trump.



This husband of Kelly Conway, what a real player. Their kid is going nuts. Kelly gives up her career for the family and hubby is back to dumping gasoline on their kid's psyche. IT is evident that George Conway is getting directed from the same playbook as John Brennan, as they desperately want Bushman Mike Pence to oust the President and hand everything over to Joe Biden.



If you missed this as these assets of the rabbit hole are gnawing on themselves, that Jewcon, Bill Kristol was calling for the internment and crucifixion of Christians. You can read it in his tweet on Amanda Carpenter's tweet storm. Kristol uses the word, opprobrium.

The definition for Christophobe Kristol's word is:


State of disgrace resulting from public abuse

 Bill Kristol and all of the above, are looking for a State of Christian Disgrace, disgrace meaning, Reduce in worth, character, destroy the reputation, from public abuse.

 Now what would abuse be?

Cruel or inhumane treatment

So Bill Kristol and Amanda Carpenter extols democrats to take action and has this on her page from CNN, is demanding INHUMANE TREATMENT OF CHRISTIAN SUPPORTERS OF DONALD TRUMP BY DESTROYING THEIR LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF MAKING A LIVING, as that is what reduce their worth means, in this Biden group of internationalist traitors, are going after Donald Trump, his wife, his children, his grandchildren and every Trump Supporter from Christians, Veterans, Blacks, Hispanics in sending the IRS after them, smearing them in the media, branding them deplorables, with the most cruel and inhumane treatment......cruel and inhumane treatment, that would be torture, and those things cruel and unusual which the Constitution forbids, and here is Bill Kristol and this group advocating terrorism against over 70 million Americans, and their children.

There is no denying this election overthrow of the legal President who won legally in a landslide, and has been after being framed in Pissgate, Impeached, attempted assassination using Coronavirus Wuhan, and now is being Biden Lynched, is the same rabbit hole group of internationalist fellow travelers, and they are informing the world now, that this is Stalin in Ukraine, this is Pol Pot, this is now pure evil and wickedness arrayed.
They are going to turn the penal mechanisms on the United States on millions of innocent people and final solution millions of them in scorched earth. We have heard murmurs of this, making Trump America like Dresden.
The President's Attorneys triggered these rabbit hole fellow travelers. They have now professed their endgame which begins in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, for those who voted for President Trump.
Those are the facts, facts that in order to have Biden steal this election, this group was abusing mentally retarded people, to steal their votes.

Election Fraud BOMBSHELL: Wisconsin Whistleblower Exposes Rampant Voter Fraud In Group Homes

Do you really think that people who vote for a pedophile, a rapist, who abuse handicapped people to steal their votes are going to, not crucify you, when they just said that is what they are going to do?

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
