Saturday, November 28, 2020

How much the Supreme Court Hates John Roberts will Win this for President Trump




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Supreme Court has signaled in a test vote for President Donald Trump how it will vote in not allowing Joe Biden to steal the 2020 election, and it was housed in the Christophobic attacks upon Christians who have been targeted in New York and California banning them from going to Church, under the guise of the biological weapon from Wuhan China which Obama helped create.

The ruling for Freedom of Religion was important, but the forensic psychology of the court is on display and a dynamic is appearing which is simply cat fight delightful.

With the seating of Justice Amy Barrett, the Catholic Charismatic, something took place on the court which forever arrested it from Bunghole John Roberts. In the 5 - 4 decision something was revealed which this blog predicted was the end of the "Roberts Court".

It was Justice Neil Gorsuch who wrote the majority opinion of the high court, and it is of great revelation in who Gorsuch went after, in he went after John Roberts, not the Mexican Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who wrote the opinion or the descenting opinion.

Do not miss this, in the power has emerged in the court on the left after Ruth Ginsburg let down the left in not retiring under Obama.  It is not Breyer and it is not Kagan who will be writing minority opinions, it is Sotomayor who rules from the liberal bench.


“I fear that granting applications such as the one filed by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn … will only exacerbate the Nation’s suffering,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a somber dissent joined by Justice Elena Kagan.

Sotomayor vigorously disputed the contention that the religious groups were being unfairly discriminated against, arguing that comparisons between religious services and liquor or big-box stores were overly facile because the virus-related health risks posed by what people do in those places are starkly different.

“Unlike religious services … bike repair shops and liquor stores generally do not feature customers gathering inside to sing and speak together for an hour or more at a time,” she wrote. “Justices of this Court play a deadly game in second guessing the expert judgment of health officials about the environments in which a contagious virus, now infecting a million Americans each week, spreads most easily.”


What is vital to not miss in this, is John Roberts voted with the group who said the state taking peoples Rights away was more important than the People's rights, but Sotomayor is not going to let the Bungholer uspurp the left on the court. Roberts has been rewriting laws and history for the Obama Biden left, and that was accepted under Ginsburg as they were winning, but Sotomayor is not going to be second string to the Roberts finger to the wind voting.

What is of interest in this, is Gorsuch just made a pointed move to being the Chief Justice, as in a 32 scouring of Roberts taking away of rights, Gorsuch mocked, belittled and cut Roberts down. Gorsuch is a Justice who is no longer going to be held hostage to Robert's cocktail crowd votes.


“As we round out 2020 and face the prospect of entering a second calendar year living in the pandemic’s shadow, that rationale has expired according to its own terms,” Gorsuch wrote. “Even if the Constitution has taken a holiday during this pandemic, it cannot become a sabbatical. Rather than apply a nonbinding and expired concurrence … courts must resume applying the Free Exercise Clause.”

Gorsuch also accused Roberts of “a serious rewriting of history” for now insisting that his May opinion did not rely on a century-old Supreme Court precedent that allowed mandatory smallpox vaccinations in Massachusetts.

“We may not shelter in place when the Constitution is under attack. Things never go well when we do,” Gorsuch warned.


What was delightful in this, was Bungholer John Roberts responded to Gorsuch. Gorsuch got under Roberts skin with the rebuttal, and it signals that Roberts is under stress and he is feminine furious that his plans to be the Anthony Kennedy of the court ruling by betraying the Right, ended when Amy Barrett appeared on the court.

We know this because Roberts tried to pick a pissing match with Gorsuch in belittling him for only focusing on one sentence in a 32 page majority opinion. Roberts if furious and as he has been blackmailed for sometime, those who are blackmailing this fraud are not going to be pleased with Roberts he no longer has any value to the blackmailers.

We had always been led to believe that the court got along. Scalia sending Ginsburg roses and getting shit on in return and liking it. What took place in this opinion on Religious Liberty shows a huge rift in the court in both the left and the right.

The left is not going to allow Roberts to supplant them as their leader. The Right is enjoying their new seated power in John Roberts can no longer rape the Constitution and betray America. John Roberts is alone on the court, ostracized from the Right and unwelcome on the left, except for his pimp vote. Roberts is to be seen and not heard according to the Sotomayor rule.

Liberals are liberals. They can see things for aborticide rights not in the Constitution, and not see any protection for Christians from the state. One can understand Sotomayor is a fat old Mexican, of course she is going to vote for her Cuomo safety as she doesn't wear a mask as others are supposed to so she can life her life. Kagan is an old lezbo too and vulnerable so she would go along. Breyer is older than the flu, so he would vote for the destruction of liberty too.

Roberts though was just being the Bungholer he is. He hates Christians. He hates Trump and he will take away rights and make Americans fight for those rights back, as that is what he said.


Roberts said the limits on religious activities under “orange” or “red” restrictions in New York may violate the Constitution, but he warned against jumping into that issue when no such limits were currently in effect on the congregations who petitioned the court.

“It may well be that such restrictions violate the Free Exercise Clause. It is not necessary, however, for us to rule on that serious and difficult question at this time,” the chief justice wrote in a solo dissent. “The Governor might reinstate the restrictions. But he also might not. And it is a significant matter to override determinations made by public health officials concerning what is necessary for public safety in the midst of a deadly pandemic.”


In effect Bunghole John Roberts wants people to be raped and children molested before he calls it a crime. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to stop INFRINGEMENT before it abuses the Citizen.

Roberts though has been busy using this tactic in not hearing cases on Gun Rights and upholding the draconian pandemic infringements in California.

We have to wait and see as this was a Catholic case against Governor Cuomo, and Barrett is Catholic first and last, in how the now Gorsuch court will rule in Joe Biden stealing the election.

I will remind readers that in the Roberts decision which caused this late vote fraud with liberals, that the liberals had limits on the ballots coming in. So there are limits for them, compared to Roberts rapine. It appears though that this is a Gorsuch court in opinions and outside the court Justice Sam Alito is telling voters this is Conservative Trumpland and to file and bring their cases, as the court is going to re establish the shattered rule of law which John Roberts unleashed.

John Roberts is an egotistical ass in his response to Neil Gorsuch. You can read in Sotomayor's minority opinion that she cares, yes first for herself being endangered by this plague, but that she does want society protected. Her side though created this virus, brought this virus to America and is spreading it again for cover for Joe Biden election crimes.
Sotoymayor will couch her dissent in not disenfranching even criminal voters who vote 300,000 times. The concern is that Justice Kagan and Justice Breyer may feel under siege. It would benefit to save lives on thee American left if Justice Kagan would vote with the majority for President Trump.

As for Bunghole John Roberts, he has proven what he is. He is a small person who thinks he is above the law on adoption, more intelligent than Neil Gorsuch and others, and certainly belongs at the head of the liberals as there are just silly women in the Supreme Court.
That is good news for America in no one wants John Roberts on the Supreme Court as he has proven a traitor and is trying to supplant the memory of Justice Ginsburg.

Someone knows what dirt is on John Roberts and when President Trump is inaugurated, I sincerely hope that he has the Special Forces arrest this traitor on high crimes. He is irrelevant like the yapping dog that just shits on your lawn in he annoys everyone on the high court.

We have a dynamic appearing in the right is being solidly hammered into a 5 vote coalition for Donald Trump by the egotistical John Roberts. What would be of most value would be for the three liberals to join the right in returning the victory to Donald Trump, in sending a message in an 8 - 1 ruling that John Roberts is thee illegitimate voice on the Supreme Court.

The prayer is that all of this stress with cause the brain seizure Roberts stroke out and everyone would get what they want.

Major Shift on the Supreme Court


Nuff Said





