Saturday, November 21, 2020

In the Sea of Trump to Shining Sea



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I have been observing my fellow Trump voters in the brier patch. They are still flying their Trump flags, and that includes the Amish, they are not taking down their campaign posters on their lawns as the law mandates, and they have Donald Trump in effigy in their vehicle windows pointing his finger at people.

The Biden Harris supporters are not taking down their banners on their front lawns either.

Trump voters are people who are honest. Biden voters are people who are dishonest. Trump voters believe. Biden voters accept.

When President Trump's attorneys tell them that Donald Trump won 70% of the vote and cleared over 400 electoral college votes, they believe this, as there is more than enough fact in election fraud, and enough triggering headlines from CIA Mockingbird media designed to humiliate Trump voters, that 2020 is vastly different than 2016 in Obama terrifying a white guy in Charlotte or whatever, and driving for his life from his own murder. This is not Obama in 2009 in Hutatree. This is not an isolation event. By isolation, burning children up at Waco or shooting mothers in the head at Ruby Ridge or slaughtering old men named LaVoy Finicum in snow banks, is not going to diffuse this in intimidation operations.

This was designed so the very core trust of elections has been eliminated.

I will repeat Mark Twain's greatest work in Joan of Arc. In France, as Twain laid out, the English were in power, she had not King, just an heir to the throne. A little girl appeared and the French started winning. She was betrayed by French, her own people, and sold to be burned at the stake by Rome. The damage the little girl had done though was complete, in the French Catholics trusted one person, and that was their Padre, and when the Padre said someone was King, then God said that person ruled.

Once Joan brought the prince to the crown, the Padres said France had a French King, not an English King. That crowning moment was when England lost in murdering Joan, they could not stop the faith the French had in their King.

Donald Trump, had more than 70 million voters. At 70% of the vote, Donald Trump had almost 100 million voters. Not all are die hard, but enough of this 1'3rd of thee American public is by design getting a Biden tyranny lesson in Newsome and Cuomo of California and New York waging war on Christian observance in Thanksgiving and Christmas as they prance around in their parties without masks.

In Pennsylvania orders are issued that people are ordered to wear masks in their own homes.

The stage is being set in Biden fraud states that enough liberals are going to want Donald Trump and his supporters to rescue them.


LIN WOOD: ‘This Election Was A Fraud’, Trump ‘Won Over 400 Electoral Votes’

Georgia attorney Lin Wood joined The Mark Levin Show to discuss his lawsuit to throw out the November 3 election as fraudulent


“This election was a fraud, Donald Trump won, I believe, clearly a 70% plus landslide election in the nation,” said Wood. “He probably won over 400 electoral votes.”


You are not watching a perfect political storm. You are part a perfect political storm by design.

The President has twice either fed the feckless public the line that he will run again in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord. That is illogical as Biden will wipe out all Trump in Executive Order in the first 15 minutes of office.  By 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, Joe Biden will have legalized an entire criminal system of foreign voters at 150 million votes and the Bush control of the GOP that no Republican could ever win.
Donald Trump sets one foot out of the White House, and he will be indicting 5000 ways past criminal in taking every penny he ever had and putting him and his children in jail for 5000 years.

Donald Trump can not step away from this for his own sake. Donald Trump now has 100 million people who rightfully believe they have had their country stolen from them. Donald Trump can not concede ever, because he can not abandon these people. If he does, they will die, until like the Revolution of 1776, they start finding ways of driving their antagonists away.
Donald Trump must now stay in the White House and lead these people, or there will be 100 million armed people who will be 100 million lone wolves, who will find creative ways to bring ruin to everything police state, intelligence state and Joe Biden. This is not what the elites want in clever Americans uniting to resist. The elite invested a great effort into arming Americans, to keep them from revolting. They do not want these Americans acting out or they have real problems in the financial and control of America.

In America, power is immense and concentrated in the police state. It stole a Presidential election and the Mockingbird media intimidates the masses who are isolated. This works in concentrated authority, even if the masses ignorantly unite, as united they are open to concentrated firepower or FBI moles influence them to their LaVoy Finicum death.

Change the paradigm though to powerful you, and mice, or roaches or termites eating your big house.  While not advocating this in the least, how much damage to the controlling system would one box of matches do? One wire cutters to surveillance camera and communication cables? One hammer to wifi and satellite uplinks?

It requires a vast reservoir of resources to maintain one federal police agent. Cars, communication, gasoline, offices and housing.  In a few hours, one person could eliminate the working components of a system costing millions which took a society decades to build. People who have become convinced they have nothing to lose, and are hunted by Biden police state, will consider they have lost everything, so threats of their deaths or their imprisonment will lose all deterrence.  Deterrence is what kept this armed sham of America from going critical. This election theft is removing deterrence, and cracking down will wipe that deterrence out.

Consider the dynamics in this. Do the math. 100 million cheated voters. What if just .5% get it into their heads they have nothing to lose, as they have nothing to lose in this Corona poverty and intimidation, and they do not use their guns, but start using hammers, wire cutters and matches?

That is 200,000 hammers, wire cutters and matches, spaced out in 50 states is 4000 individuals acting creatively, who will in percentage know information in how to over ride this technical system protecting vote fraud, in the basest of hammer, wire cutter and match.

Everyone is looking at the Biden election theft margins, but this blog is looking at the numbers of the reason that Donald Trump can never concede, not because this election was stolen from him, but because of what that stolen election stole from those 100 million.

The President has stated that he will not forget these people. These people are being positioned for a perfect psychological storm. There is a reasonable probability now that this mob will drain the swamp that Donald Trump only began. It will topple America and topple the world, as it is intended.

The President can no longer leave the White House until 2024 AD in the year of our Lord in fulfilling out his rightful second term. That is the forensic science of this paradigm and projection.

Nuff Said


