Friday, November 27, 2020

It is not King George but King Biden



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The rampant corruption which is the United States has been exposed in the theft of the 2020 Presidential election by Joe Biden and his fellow travelers. Biden is head of a thugocracy and it is disgusting to watch the imperial thugs of this nefarious group lie, threaten, berate and just be dishonest.

Nevada's Supreme Court upheld Biden's "win", when there were hundreds of thousands of votes more than people who voted in Nevada. The reality is trust in regime has been shattered with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. There is nothing legitimate about them. Birther Hussein could hide behind being a Negro, but with Pedo Joe, he is creepy, Kamala is slutty and their entire cadre is smarmy.

Christians, Veterans, Blacks, Hispanics, Trump voters are never going to trust anything to do with the courts, Congress or the Biden executive as it is all crooked, and it is crooked from the Minneapolis Mayor Metro to the top. Michael Dukakis once said that the fish rots from the head down. Thee entire democratic fish is rotten.

That is the injury of what Joe Biden has done to liberals. Liberals know they are not what they say they are. They are Rob Reiner Christophobes, Anderson Cooper pervert queers and will sell their souls out as Chris Wallace, Shep Smith, and whoever else on FOX is now joining Joe Biden in the election theft lap.
Liberals are American, even if their minds are deranged, and liberals want to win, but they want to win so they can grind people's faces in it, to get their pound of flesh. Joe Biden has stolen that from them. He lost. He stole the election, and there is not a liberal who is not aware of this, and the celebrities are in majority going silent, as they don't any part of this kind of cheating. Sure you can hate Donald Trump ,but that hatred is being taken from them by Joe Biden, because he cheated Trump and made Donald Trump into a victim. At least with Obama crimes, they could hold up the Designer Negro as a prop of their not being racists. With Joe Biden, they have a brain damaged, child molestor who rapes women, sold out America and is so stupid in stealing an election that anyone can see the crimes in all the swing states.

It gets worse as these corrupt judges dismiss cases protecting those crimes and verify Biden crimes as legal. Every liberal sees this circus and thinks, "I don't want any part of this as I will end up in court someday and these are the corrupt fellow travelers who will be screwing me over'.


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 Joe Biden is going to rape thee American economy worse than Obama in graft. His entire appointed staff has two purposes:

1. To steal money from people over "climate change: fines.

2. To start wars for his Wall Street crooked backers for immense profit.

Americans are getting a taste of what Comrade Biden national existence will be. America is broke, but Biden is going to raise taxes on you and everyone. Green energy has been proven a sham for the rich foreign interests so energy prices will skyrocket for everyone. As the economy reels, Biden will be injection raping Americans in making them criminals. Parents who do not want to inject their children will be criminalized in they have to do it as they have to send children to school. Numbers of military, police, medical, public services are all going to be mandated to get injected or they won't be able to work.

Barack Obama shattered the United States economy and kept breaking it for political gain. Joe Biden has Obama's shattered economy which Trump kept afloat on monetary injections, and with energy collapsing, the Corona malaise and hording, massive debt, what follows is Joe Biden  will have ruin a thousand times worse than Obama bestowed on the world.

Biden's folk want war, perpetual war for globalists. There is not money for this nor does the American military want to go die in some Biden shit hole again. Joe Biden is going to have too many massive multiple trillion dollar expenditures and the world is going to implode.

Russia had her Refuseniks, and there are people who are going to simply refuse to go along with Biden in the hundred of millions. Liberals hated Trump, but now they have a Biden who is crooked as hell and rapes kiddies. They don't want that. Who wants to be around Joe Biden when he is fondling the kids or molesting the women. That ain't much of a White House party.

Put it this way, a nuclear missile can strike the United States in under 15 minutes. It will take Joe Biden 20 minutes to comprehend that America is under nuclear attack. If he does order an attack, it will probably be on North Dakota as he will have them confused with North Korea.

America began with a half wit King named George and America, unless President Donald Trump fulfills his oath of office is going out with a half wit Irish Mic named King Biden.

Just remember, Donald Trump has been telling Russia no, China no, North Korea no and Iran no, and they are furious over this, and they want their part in vote fraud to pay off, and when Joe Biden does not appease his foreign masters, they are going to start a four front war on the two front Pentagon

There is no one on this planet that has any use for Joe Biden, except to use him and toss him away like a tampon. 

The world is now hanging in the balance, and when the mob revolts, it will be the exposed liberal who will be gleaned, and if it is not the American mob, then the hordes of foreign Biden protagonists will be releasing more biological weapons and dropping nukes where the liberals reside in all of their power and luxury.

There is not going to be anywhere to run from what Joe Biden brings. Just remember that Biden was in charge during the Obama years from 2013 AD onward, and it was a lackluster dismal global failure.

Seriously, look at Pedo Joe, does not this look like the face that the world would end under?
