Friday, November 20, 2020

Security Cameras R Fun



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


When we started protecting the hinterlands of the Brier Patch, my cousins thought it would be a good idea to put up some security cameras. I would have opted for a big steel cattle gate with a sign, "Tresspassers will be Shot - Survivors will be Shot Again.", but my relatives are more civilized than I am, and so the cameras went up, and I was not expecting much of them, as I have no interest in seeing criminals skulking around that I may have to shoot to defend our lives.

 I had read a number of reviews on a trapping site, before the gay owner kicked me off as his girlfriend was huffy that I was not into lezbos, and all of the Trappers who have more money than sense now, were giving endless bad reviews of wildlife trail cams, in they simply do not last.

So I expected the security cams to be even less fun, and just problems.

In dealing with them though, it has been a most pleasant surprise in how much wildlife they have picked up, and even redwing blackbirds in a flock flying which looked like some sinister Halloween thing of flying bats.

As I was trapping the raccoons off of the place, in the last half dozen that appeared, I knew how man were around and even where as the cameras were picking them up. The last was a large male that was by the house and not where I had caught a pile of others, so I moved the trap, cussed for a few days in thinking I had one coon that was going to be a problem, and the next day I had it.

You trap where the animals are, and these cams help you get on the exact spot.

The doe above is part of a group, of two yearling bucks whose mother got hit and killed. We know they are bucks as you can see the velvet horn tips on them. A doe with two fawns, a large buck, two smaller two year old bucks, and another little two point appeared (Western Count) which was sparring with a larger buck, which was either of the twins or a new duo has come through here.

I can see the deer tracks, but without the cams, you simply do not know the numbers and the individual deer.

We had one coyote through here, a horned owl that killed a bunny, Blue Jays coming into the bird feeder, in picking them up in flight and then the wandering two legged dopers that have appeared.

The last part has been frustrating as they family has notified the police, who made two drive throughs, and then disappeared. I figure that as the cams identified exactly who the people were, and they have some large bank accounts, that the cop did not want a problem with them, warned them off and since the crops have been out, there has not been anyone around here to make life interesting.



Except of course for the deer.

It is odd but the entities here just loved the cameras and being photographed. This doe shows up and does profile pictures for the camera too. They just like having their pictures taken.   I like that part a great deal as you get to see wildlife in ways you normally never do, except in hunting, and that is different in your attention in making a killing shot, not how the animal is moving around.

I have no interest in harvesting any of these animals. I had enough killing in the predators this year. I love deer sausage, but it has a bad taste when you watch the animals as pets. The plan in this is when the renter gets his ass off of here, that I will be putting up a big ranch electric fence to keep the hunters out who think they can wander through here. My intention is to give these deer a safe spot so they can continue to come by and nip the top of the apple tree off which is by the door that the family is trying to grow. Never fails, that tree for two years has had a deer eat the top off just passing by.



 So for security, these motion cameras are good. You can't load up 500 cameras as it slows the wifi down and they do need wifi to work within range. An antenna will boost the signal, but 40 yards is about the maximum range on their signal pick up. They are really great if you love to watch wildlife, and that is the nice feature, in as long as your cell phone has wifi access it can pick up, you can watch these cams live anywhere. At least this version needs a wifi hook up as our Tracfone requires that. other phones like the Brier Patch Tech Guy, just phoned his in, to show us how good it was. His cam he could turn , had it mounted inside and looking out a window and it worked great. These cams I tried to mount inside by the window and they would not pick up motion through that much clutter.

This place has geists on it galore. I mounted one in the living room, and several times it activated. I did not see the glowing mists as outside, but something was in the house the camera was picking up, in an entity of some type.

This is old country here so who the hell knows what India or whatever is buried and wanders through. Nothing malevolent as it is peaceful here, even with all the visitors of the geist, but just is a part of life like the wildlife that you are not aware of allot of things that the camera notices.

I could care less about two legged riff raff on the cameras as I can run that shit off. I think though when the donations come in and we are on our place, that I will have a few cameras up to watch the livestock and the wildlife, as I enjoy that, and with alerts you can be informed something is out there.

This is not a security camera review really, it is just finding a use for something which I would not have any use for. I just get pulled into the future from my cave girl past once in awhile and once in awhile I do enjoy it.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
