Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Biden Thugocracy


 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Perhaps you need to be reminded that this blog stated that those who stole this election for Joe Biden are going to send the Navy SEALS to get Donald Trump, no matter if he flees the United States. The line in the sand came from image Obama on a rehearsed Jimmy Kimmel theater, where image Obama stated he would send in the SEALS, INTO THE WHITE HOUSE, to get President Donald Trump.



The inference of course Obama would have the SEALS do to President Trump which the SEALS did to the actor portraying Sheik bin Laden in canoeing his skull.

This was not a joke. This is Obama thugocracy. The same thugocracy which had Joe Biden trying to murder Lawerence Sinclair in prison and the same thugocracy which tried to murder Jerome Corsi in detention in Kenya.


The Biden Thugocracy though is not democrats, it is the #NeverTrumpers, who are now begging for Trump supporters to save them in Georgia, after they joined the deep state to overthrow the Elections against President Trump. Yes it was ok to have Martha McSally expendable to get Donald Trump, but now that the Gopliters have gotten Trump, they want to have Trump supporters give them a seat at the caviar and champagne table, so they can Lindsey Graham fist bump Vice President Kamala Harris (WHO IS A FOREIGNER LIKE OBAMA AND CAN NOT BE ELECTED NOR SWORN IN TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION ACCORDING TO CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.)

The fact is that Obama was a Wall Street agent, and so is Joe Biden. Biden has put into place the same paid for money whores, which Trump got stuck with in his first years. Biden does not give a damn about any Americans. Biden's ideas are use American blood and debt, to keep up these perpetual Bush wars.
Obama complained about Bush having the wrong wars, well Obama had those wars and started new ones in Syria, Yemen and Libya. Joe Biden is going to start wars too as America is to be the carcass for serving the European Empire.

Donald Trump wants out of Afghanistan, but that is where the dope trade is for Europeans, so NATO is moving in hard, NATO wants war with Russia, because why should Europe have to pay for gas and oil, when they can just get America to glow radioactive in a war with Russia, so Europeans can pretend they are green in their hydro cars.

The same crooked corporate piracy of Americans is going to take place under Biden. Biden will sell you oil at 10 bucks a gallon, while mandating you can only drive 75,000 dollar hybrid electric cars which won't run in most of cold America, can not be used to haul heavy loads like trucking and farming, and as with guns, you will be taxed for them in penalties, and you will get a whole new retroactive penalties to pay for Obamacare fines that Donald Trump took off, while John McCain betrayed America in that vote.

It is an absolute, that Pelosi and Schumer will have Joe Biden sign a 7 trillion dollar stimulus package for you. This will be the last, as Biden cracks down on Trump supporters, the economy goes into a designed Corona 3rd wave tailspin. (This will be generated when 5G goes active and numbers of people get sick from it as it excites oxygen molecules. You will be told it is Corona 3rd wave, but it is not. This will take several months for people to get over like sonic weapons or motion sickness on a ship. As the body adjusts, to the forced injections for your health and to the 5G, it will be a miracle recovery for humanity and Biden.)

No matter, because all that debt is about to be inflated out, and to illegally cross this over to a digital communist rationed death wage, your paper currency will be made illegal, and it will all be a program where you get your debts cancelled forever, if you just take the shot, and accept what the regime deposits into your bank account. This is all slated for the April through June second quarter. I share this point, as the Canadian release of this information is following exactly what were the talking points in when the 2nd wave would appear, again what this blog predicted would be a false late autumn wave to cover the fake elections and to progress this to the new age of DNA altering injections.......two to get you started.

So you see the symbiotic nature of Biden, plague, monetized wages, and the end of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness globally.

On Friday, November 20, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, had on a bawling geezer from Pennsylvania, fed up with the McConnell #NeverTrumpers who having helped Biden steal this election from Trump, now want Trump Supporters to save the US Senate, when none of these Gopliters appeared at the MAGA rally.
There are necessary signals and signs in this. Representative Louis Gohmert used the Revolution word this past week. When the MAGA Marchers rallied, they were at the Supreme Court to intimidate the Bunghole crooks, and today Rusty Limbaugh's theatrical caller, who Rusty noted for point was crying, stated, "I am not a Patriot, but I will die for my President".

The indications are there to unleash the Kraken. There has been an elitist problem in they allowed gun owners to enrich Obama gun makers in order to keep the revolt from taking place, as Americans cuddle their firearms and say they are free. The problem is once Americans are given enough cover to find out that they can run around with guns, shoot out lamp posts, make #NeverTrumpers flee, make the media scared so it stops lying to them, and suddenly politicians start supporting Americans instead of HAARP freezing them to death, that these Americans numbering 100 million will like voting with their guns, and find that bullets make excellent ballots and ropes around traitors necks are more efficient than trials.
That is why the elite do not want this mob going through a phase one, as they are not going to forget it, and not stop unless a President Trump asked them to, or this would burn out in a 10 year Robes Pierre survival of the fittest.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Biden's Kristolnatcht for Christians


 When Bill Kristol on Amanda Carpenter's page with other #NeverTrumpers for Biden, used the word,
opprobrium, Kristol was being smarmy clever, but the word means to destroy populations of life, liberty, and happiness, using the regime to genocide them in thee most cruel and inhumane means.


The rabbit hole, backed by the silent FBI and complacent DOJ, has been issuing threats against Donald Trump and his supporters. The Biden Kraken is the thugocracy of the Bush's destroying Conservatives and using the ATF to shut down gun dealers, the Clinton's burning children at  Waco, blowing up federal buildings in OKC and braining mothers holding children at Ruby Ridge, for Obama it was murdering an old cowboy in Oregon, and sending out FBI trolls screeching that all Bundy supporters should be murdered as Obama's people cackled about the mass murder of Colonel Khadaffi in Libya and 500,000 dead people in Syria. The Biden Kraken has brought Obama Bush election theft out of the 3rd world into America. The Trump Kraken and the last Second Amendment line of defense is to unleash the armed Americans to MAWA, Make America Weaponized Again.

There is no longer any room for happy ground. Whoever attains the White House will have to crack down in early 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, as Biden's folk will burn down America and mass murder the police and Trump's supporters are being seasoned with the thoughts that all that is left is a revolution and dying for this President.

When America had a World War II army of several million trained riflemen, FDR and Truman had to bribe them in GI bills to behave. That bribery ended in the 1990's and Americans became expendable and fragmented. The whispers in this are, that the Kraken is not legal suits, but the Americans will be unleashed and with the military under Trump control, the federal police state, which alienated local law enforcement in BLM protests, will have to retreat from the field.

No matter the Mockingbird media propaganda, Joe Biden enlisted a group of international elitists to steal this election from the Donald Trump landslide. That fact is not going to go away no matter how much ridicule, browbeating and political rape takes place. This blog warned that if Biden did this, that a low growl would begin in  the soul of America, like a bear robbed of her young.

You will remember that the day after the election, the Holy Ghost focused on Absalom stealing the throne of King David and the nation rending fight which took place.
The words which were brought to mind by the Holy Ghost were from II Samuel 17:8;


For, said Hushai, thou knowest thy father and his men, that they be mighty men, and they be chafed in their minds, as a bear robbed of her whelps in the field: and thy father is a man of war,


Those 100 million Trump supporters are chafed to their souls, there is a low growl inside of them, and if the President says GO, they will come and not stop. If the President does not say GO, they will never forget their wounds, and they will begin finding ways to act out which gives them the best chances, as the FBI moles attempt to gather them for an easy Biden remedy.

Lord Cornwallis understood at the beginning of 1776 that he could not win the war, if he alienated the second third of Americans, as 1/3rd was loyal, 1/3rd had taken up arms and 1/3rd were still neutral. As the war progressed, from weakness he started alienating that 1/3rd he needed, and at that point, the entire countryside and villages gave the British no rest. It was all Indian Country.

The only person who will mend America is Donald Trump. The let knows they stole this election and after burning down things, they will accept punishment and go back to their luxury lives. The #NeverTrumpers should understand that Donald Trump is their savior and they should be moving with all force to assist the President in gaining the electoral college and judiciary support, because they know that Donald Trump won in a landslide, and those 100 million are out there, waiting for which way this turns before they begin their time of 76.

The thugocracy  can not remove 100 million Americans. They are working people who make this nation function. They can not be replaced by foreigners as the system will crash. This is Biden's Achilles Heel, as removing them destroys the money men and putting them into camps is too large of bill to feed, and too large of population to slaughter for cost effectiveness.

George Bush and Joe Biden stole Iraq and as Colin Powell once said, "You break it. You fix it". Joe Biden, George Bush, image Obama, and all the liberal Kimmels and all the nation rapist Soros, broke the United States, and just like in Iraq, there is no remedy which will not fix this which will not destroy all of thee American Savior Donald Trump. He is the only cost effective measure to fix what these traitors deliberately broke.

The British caused the French Revolution. The British caused the First American Revolution. and thee American Civil War to their great loss. The British are not going to like the outcome of the Third American Revolution in Joe Biden nor will his genitalia oozing consorts.

We shall see which outcome this live fire exercise develops. It will be one or the other.


Hey LC, I just came onto your blog. I pretty much ate your last month's words like a fiction novella late into last night and woke up still riveted this morning. Please keep writing, your fantastic biting narrative is extremely appreciated. 



