Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Freak Biden disFamily Thanks.....distancing



Joe and Jill Biden in Thanksgiving op-ed: 'We can be apart without being alone'   thehill 


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Sincerely, the Lame Cherry family does not want to be like the literally fucked up Joe Biden, whatever that thing is they are in, as Biden pretends to wear a mask with the old Jill and use Coronavirus Wuhan as an excuse for none of those children wanting to be anywhere around this perverted old sod.

In effect in Forensic Psychology, Joe Biden and all these nasty liberal governors want to do to your family what they experience in their hatred of each other.


Biden: Americans Need To 'Forgo' Holiday Traditions This Year   zh 


 Take stock in the Biden DNA group.

Beau Biden, a syndicate thug who made political prisoners out of people who would expose the Obamas and Bidens.....dead in the grave.
His wife, and the grandchildren, she was fucked by other son Hunter, Joe called it loving, and Hunter knocked up some other gal, and then went off and married a South African child.

Hunter Biden, the pedophile, dope head, bribery bag man for daddy and traitor, who apparently nailed Malia Obama with her own adoptive issues.

Daughter Biden, she just got out of the nut house, revealing that daddy made her take showers with him, and that she was molested in the care of the Biden household.

A heads up to Joe Biden, the kids and grandkids are not coming around, and you are alone, not because of a virus, but because you are perverted disease like Sodom and Gomorrah. You got your current wife using your dead wife, and your two boys to lure her away from her first husband.

You suck her fingers in public. You are abnormal Joe, even beyond raping your staff members and molesting children.

No Joe Biden, don't you and your liberal voters and fellow travelers blame being alone on this pandemic which is over, except being deliberately spread to cover up your election stealing, because the reason no one wants to be around you, is your are repulsive, like a pimp conning little children off the streets to whore out.


Some comfort for you Joe, as next year, you will have all kinds of company in federal prison, where men who have been raped by men as children, will be having their Thanksgiving turkey right along side of you.

Nuff Said


