As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Historically, what could be more significant than the anti messiah, Birther Hussein Obama, the black seed of communism, force impregnated the American corpse, and by George Soros funding, birthed the prophecy of shaman of the left, Webster Griffin Tarpley, in the leader of the divided democratic party, in AOC, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, or as she prefers to be designated, In Congress with AOC as AOC is just racist.
Congress: The act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur.
The Lame Cherry can understand why AOC wants everyone to know she is in Congress, and AOC is racist as Another Ornery Chicano is noting how bitchy Latin women are in always being hot and in need of Congress.
What is of interest in shaman Tarpley is he has stated the GOP would be relegated to 3rd party status, and 3rd party status are these Lincoln Log Homos queering it up in saying they are Republicans who can not vote for Donald Trump as he is a Tweet Meanie.
With the staged and implemented disaster of democrats stealing another election from communist Bernie Sanders, for senile pedophile Joe Biden, with image Obama forcing onto the ticket the Quadroon disaster of Kamala Harris, as President Trump emancipates Blacks off the plantation with Kayne West, there is a reality forming which must be comprehended, and that is Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the CIA asset, is going to be the proclaimed leader of the communist democratic party.
Joe Biden is the walking dead. Kamala Harris is so stupid her name is linked to the definition in the dictionary. Nancy Pelosi is fossilized and Chuck Schumer is bucking for extinction by fossilization. The new blood is Chinaman Chang, the fagbutt from Indiana, and that is it. No one is going to give jack or shit about that Whitmer in Michigan. AOC is the CIA face of what is to come as a new era of the Trump Party establishes itself in socialist America, with the AOC left waiting around, pretending to be Ronald Reaganski as Obamaski was, and they will one day be elected.
AOC though is entering a Gavin Newsom legalized pedophilia platform which will become the communist democratic party's plank, with John Roberts one day legalizing it out of the Supreme Court.
Alexandria Cortez is the virgin daughter of all of this. She will be a New York Senator and carry the Obama globalist torch as the Lincoln Loggers will huddle in their basements in seance with the ghost of Jeb Bush political past.
This is what the 2020 election means. It is not about who is running. It is about the inheritors. The paid props who are fulfilling their roles, as the world convulses to an order of revamping humanity to digital purchases to control their every buy and sell. You have been manipulated to vote for wall against this in Donald Trump. This does not mean by electing the President, that this is going away. All this means is you will have Congress voting on a version of this, and it will come back to full implemenation when a daugther of the false messiah is installed in a future election manipulation.
Understand where this is going in what you just experienced with the virus. Understand that wars are coming. Understand you are the cloth of the land for the immortals, and immortals need an underclass of immortals to serve them as borgs are not the blow up dolls which give satisfaction.
This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said