As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As it is the Christian thing to do, to help those who spitefully use you, the Lame Cherry offers to Rush Limbaugh the same rich guy advice I offered before.
Also, prayers to Mr. Limbaugh who was told this month that his lung cancer, which he was diagnosed with in February, had progressed.
Who knows but God and Limbaugh if this is another act by Rusty Hudson, but the fact is my Stage 4 aunt, named Stage 4, got lung cancer, had the tumes in her neck. Got treated by doctors in California, it went into remission as she was told she only had like 3 or 6 months to live, it came back last summer, they nuked it again, and the tumes shrank and she has outlived all her sibs.
The last nuke she did not have to take chemo, so there goes it, Rusty Hudson.
The Lame Cherry shared previously that there are clinics in California where you have blood drawn, they figure out what kind of cancer virus you have, and then they hit it with various cocktails, and when they find the one which works, you fly out, get zapped and you recover when you are a rich guy.
Get the right cocktail and you are Ruth Bader Ginsburg dying of being a pest on earth, instead of cancer.
Look all treatments do not work. My Beloved Uncle had brain cancer and the doctors were floored when they gave him the shot, that the cancer acted like it fed on it. That was before the cocktail things they have now, so get a doctor who has the right cocktail and you continue on being a pest. All quite simple but you don't keep going back to the mechanic who can't fix the car, so go get a new doctor out in California.
This will probably be the last doing good here as repeating myself when I'm a poor orphan girl and others require the input God gives me, has it's priorities.
How Drug Cocktails Are Changing the Way We Treat Cancer - TIME
Over 45,000 Cancer Patients Say THIS Drink Treated Them ...
Or call the Jews, as they cure everything. Live Jimmy Carter can not be wrong.
Israeli Scientists Say They'll Have Cancer Cure in the ...
Nuff Said