Friday, December 18, 2020

Hmmmm The Corona Vax Gives Mike Pence a Boner


 Mike Pence gets the Big Package from the Vax


Pence gets SALINE SHOT Disguised as COVID-19
vaccine to fool people into believing it's 'safe and
effective' when in reality it's a deadly risk


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry must rise to the defense of Vice President Mike Pence and Mother Pence, that he did not get a saline was glucose as he is watching his salt intake.


Rense links had a number of interesting headlines, from sources who can not be discounted like PJ Media, which exposed fake injections in Texas.

This blog informed all of you, based on a South Dakota government memo online, that there were only 2 million doses out there. South Dakota and other small population states would receive only 6000 serum vials. There simply is not enough serum.

Look there are a million quacks out there. So that means there are like 10 million nurses, and 20 million staff at geezer homes. Add it up, in the numbers of geezers and there is not enough serum to amount to anything but fake shots to sucker people in.


U.S. physicians - statistics & facts | Statista

How many physicians are in the U.S.? As of March 2020, there were just over one million professionally active physicians in the United States. The number of active specialist physicians in the U.S .


 Texas Video of COVID-19 Vaccine Shows Syringe
Empty & Plunger ALREADY Fully Depressed
BEFORE Being Administered To Health Worker


So fake shots are what are being handed out. Do you really think Mike Pence in being the shifty bastard he is, that he is going to get a bicep full of mRNA that is having people drop like flies when they get this thing injected?


2 Alaska Healthcare Workers Given Emergency
Treatment After Taking Pfizer's Dangerous, Unsafe
Nanotech COVID-19 Vaccine


WATCH - Medical Professional Collapse To Floor
Minutes After Taking Covid 'Vaccine'

Nurse Faints 17 Minutes After Getting COVID
Vaccine on Live TV

You give this potion to the bleaters, let them go palsy face as you got your millions to relax as California is legalizing banging 14 year old children. The rich are banking on lots of orphans to molest.

CEO of Pfizer admits on CNN that he
hasn't Taken The jab

 You Get NO Compensation - Pfizer, Moderna Immune
from Liability If You Develop Severe Side Effects Or Die
from COVID-19 'Vaccine


 The Lame Cherry has a little gem for you in this. Just as this blog predicted, the flu is being pushed out by "Corona". This exclusive is, that there have been around 5 operational viruses out there, but Americans were herd protected by August, so two more strains were released from the cache. Cache 1 was a diarrhea strain, Cache 2 was lung strain. Here is the kicker.....BOTH are variations of the common flu, yes they are Corona, that is why the regular flu is disappearing, is because this was the cyclical flu and it is all being found with.......three, two, one.....these fake positive tests.

The deadly L strain was real. They have been infecting just enough Darwins with it to get a kill count, while spiking the kill count with gun shot victims. What people are getting though is just a Corona strain.


Asymptomatic Spread Is So Rare It Only Happens
0.7% of the Time Even in Households

Former Soviet Scientist Dr. Igor Shepherd Warns
Covid Vaccines Are Biological Weapons & Global
Genetic Genocide - Watch And LEARN

I have this series of realities as the feed store guy got it with his wife. He has had shortness of breath, she recovered. He contracted one of the originals stilll bouncing around which we had. Got the brain fog too.
Now for the kickers in this. He knows a couple who thought they were coming down with a cold for a few well. Got tested to give blood.....voila they had Covid, no problems. That is the immunity strain.

His father in law weighs like 300 pound and has diabetes. They told him if he got Covid he was going tits up. He got it, few days and he was recovered. Immunity strain.

Another gal in her 60's got it, went on ventilator, did not do the Ivomec or Chlorquine with zinc....deader than hell, like others because she got the lethal strain which was selectively spread as a cover for all of this Biden election theft shit.

My last infection with this biological weapon, was odd, as I felt like I was getting sick for a week, then it hit. During that week, I had what I thought was lung cancer as I was getting pains in the scar tissue on my lungs. Prayed, went away and moved to lower lung. Comes and goes, but the other symptoms are over and done, as we have had so many versions of this sprayed on us, that there is nothing left to react to. My best half was hit harder with this one in it lingered for a week, where the best half was only a few days before in the other versions.

Now that you know the background on what is going on, know fully what is coming if the President does not start carrying on like a Patriot Washington or Lincoln, as Biden will deny going out to everyone who does not have the vax and probably start rounding up the inmates for FEMA camps.

What you are witnessing is mass infections, by deliberate spread to those in confinement, and select people getting L strain in the venue of dispersion to scare people. Nothing like knowing someone is on the vent gasping to death and dying to get your ass worked up. Damn thing is feed store guy was gobbling up steroids for his lungs, when he had a shelf full of horse Ivomec, with some zinc, dude would have been banging the wife like 16 year old again by now.

Yeah old guy sex is.....yeah worse than thinking about getting the bioweapon coof.

FEMA Has Long Has Ten Regions Set Up In The US

List Of Every Known FEMA Camp And Their Locations


So if you think shifty Mike Pence got the real jab, send me a big donation as you are gullible. If you think Mike Pence didn't, you rich people might as well send the big donation as what you have been spending your money on has you living like a 6 year old under your bed.

Not me baby. I am out and getting scowled at by the coofer bandits. Saw a friend the other day behind a mask and did not recognize her. Tried to talk to a neighbor behind a mask and she was terrified of me. I  go the naked face as I have had all these versions of the coof and they are running out of them until 5 G lights up the wetware.


Oh one more thing, got the chills with this last shitter virus. Blessed cold there Mother Theresa. Had like days of that and I can tell you those queer Levis aren't worth shit for keeping you warm in 5 degree weather. Faggot pants suck, only reason I had them was the Thrift had them like 3 pairs for 6 bucks a few years ago....wore most of my chore pants out digging that cellar, and holes in pants at 5 degrees is only what asstard kids wear as they are too cold.
