Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Joe Biden has seen the enemy........it is Joe Biden



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Pedo Joe Biden in the video below has set up what he will do as President. Joe Biden's legacy can be divided up into 3 parts:

Part 1: Soul Healer

Part 2: Reversing Trump executive orders.

Part 3: Nothing.



As Soul Healer, Joe Biden says a presidents words mean things, so he is going to say things about racism and whatever and that will make it all good. What Soul Healer does not understand is that when you say things, it praises one group and condemns and criminalizes another. The people who tend to get criminalized do not like that resort to violence, which sort of stops the soul healing. See in reality, people are people, they are not going to get along, are going to hate each other and the thing they hate most is a self righteous flawed pedophile rapist traitor like Joe Biden, telling them what their sins are.

Joe Biden has sworn to undo all of Donald Trump's executive orders. The President signed 200 of them. I believe like all things Biden he is not going to undo all 200 of President Trumps executive orders as 198 was assuring that all Americans get equal access to COVID vaccines. 189 was to keep America from being cut off in foreign supplies as this plague produced. 115 was advancing kidney health of Americans.
Those are things that even a communist is not going to undo. So Biden is not informed as he always is.

What Biden will focus on are things like restoring regulations on energy, so you are going to see huge price spikes in your gas and electric bills. The things which will in fact be a shot to the gut of thee American economy, and cause this Obama Super Depression to collapse on the United States.

That leaves the 3rd part to Constitutional Joe. See I do like that Joe Biden is telling off his liberal trolls that he can not break the law like Obama did, to get things done. Sure Biden is going to make foreign invaders into Americans and destroy the country, which will probably end people coming to America, as no one wants to immigate from a shit hole to a shit hole, but Biden is not going to ban guns as that is not in the Constitution, which will piss off his criminal vote box stuffers as they stole thee election for him, Biden received stolen property, and now he is not going to break some more laws to reward his cronies.

Joe Biden says he will not do anything, and the Lame Cherry desires to expand on that with realities in literally, events overtake Presidents. President Trump was overtaken by Coronavirus. Bush43 was overtaken by 9 11. Jimmy Carter was overtaken by economic collapse. Joe Biden as resident in the White House will indeed be overtaken by events. He has a collapsed American and global economy on his hands. He has 100 million armed Americans pissed off he stole thee election. China, Russia and Iran helped Biden steal this election and they are going to be demanding things of Biden and he had better pony up.

Peking wants Taiwan. Russia wants Ukraine and Tehran wants dead Jews. Once Joe Biden is rolled, they will demand more as under Obama. If Joe Biden tries to "Soul Heal" them as a solution, they will start a war and under Biden, America will lose.

Joe Biden reminds me of the Irish Kennedys who always said, "Yeah I cheat on my wife, leave dead girls to drown, rape women....but I'm a good husband". In that Joe Biden is the complete Kennedy in he molests children, rapes women, left Obama's political prisoners for dead, as he stole the presidency.......but he wants us all to believe he will be an honest president".

You can understand now why the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Europeans.....everyone who hates America helped Joe Biden steal this election, for the reality he is a stoner who thinks he can tell people to be nice, after Obama unleashed a race war, and people are going to be obedient......after Biden cheated 100 million of them out of a fair election. Pedo Joe is the dream leader of everyone who hates America.

I'm never going to follow Joe Biden, because he is an IMMORAL MORALIST. Look at his perverted psychotic family.  You might as well find a blind, senile man, hand him the keys to the car on a curving mountain road, get in the back seat and trust you are not going to die, because that is what Joe Biden is.

Joe Biden in a self absorbed narcissist, with brain damage, as an ego maniac. You have witnessed what his career was as Senator and Vice President with checks. There are no checks any more to balance this literal perverted lunatic. He is going to be the naked king, and this opportunist who thinks with her vagina in Kamala Harris is going to be of zero use. Kamala will run to image Obama, who has left the building. Every damned one of them will run to the Obama crypt to get image Obama to curb Biden's nuttiness and Biden willl not listen. They will try and get Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt to curb Biden, but he will not be curbed.

The Presidency requires 18 hours a day. Joe Biden is going to be missing for 12 hours of them, and his addled mind will fog over and then even more of a slide will take place as these fellow travelers of his take on presidential authority as Biden is absent without mind, and that is when Russia, China and Iran cause a problem where Biden wastes time wandering around to allies and the United Nations, which he will lose.

The only salvation America has a chance with is Donald Trump unleashed the Insurrection Act and stopping Joe Biden legally from this election theft, as the quagmire will hit before the mid terms, and they will not matter, as people will view the Biden police state as the greatest threat to security.........and that includes the Kamala police state if Biden strokes out in the first months.

The Lame Cherry repeats, Donald Trump must save America at all costs.
