Although outcomes are never certain, it is believed and hoped that a majority of the Supreme Court could never take the position that the United States has no business enforcing the process established in the Constitution by which we select the one government official who represents all the People — The President of the United States.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The courts of these United States have proven to be absolutely without merit, corrupt and have violated the United States Constitution. From Judge Sullivan attempting to lynch the innocent General Michael Flynn to Justice John Roberts lynching the President of the United States in disenfranchising his right to a free and fair election, the courts have proven criminal, not lawful.
In stating that, two proven legal minds have weighed in on the reality that the Supreme Court not only violated their oath, but that John Roberts violation to hear the case of Texas and other States against the four criminal swing states led by Pennsylvania, violated the Foundation of the Federalist Papers in the writings of Alexander Hamilton.
The legal minds excoriate the Supreme Court socialist FDR court packing fiction of STANDING which exists no where in the Constitution. Standing violates the right of the People to be heard, and violates the very reason for the Court to exist. When the People are denied their day in court, the courts cease to be a reason for existing. A court without voice by, for and of all the People, is a court which is not living but dead.
The Supreme Court’s reliance on standing as its excuse has had one positive result — provoking many to study the origins of that doctrine who may be surprised to learn that the word “standing” nowhere appears in the Constitution. There is compelling evidence to demonstrate it was birthed by big-government Justices during the FDR Administration to shield New Deal legislation, and to insulate the Administrative State from challenges by the People.
Alexander Hamilton states plainly that the United States, these United States which make up the United States of America as a Nation, were afforded two remedies. The first is the Courts to hear and settle cases fairly. The second is the second Amendment in States have the right to go to war against each other and as President Abraham Lincoln proved, the United States has the right to go to war against states in violation of the Constitution.
When differences arise between States that threaten to lead to disunion, the Republic can be held together, as Hamilton observed, either “by the agency of the Courts or by military force.” A constitutional remedy to enable the States to resolve their differences peacefully is the provision that permits any State to invoke the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to address and settle their differences.
It is the violation of the Constitution by John Roberts and these unlawful courts, which has devolved to court lynching, whereby the courts are now involved in terrorism against the Citizen, against the President and against the rule of law.
Dominion Whistleblower Gets Ominous Warning…
All of this court terrorism has hidden by the force of legal jeopardy in destroying the Citizen, the crimes of the 2020 election. Joe Biden has in his campaign been involved in criminal vote fraud. There is a host of evidence, but the megaphone of a corrupt media, using the screen of corrupt courts, in league with conglomerates and foreign entities have obliterated the rule of law in the United States. When there is not a voice for the people, due to corruption, the nation ceases to exist.
This is the reality that the United States is a system of checks and balances, the President, Congressional and Judicial are designed as REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE, as this is where all of this authority is issued in LIMITED AMOUNT, to serve the People.
The system is designed to overcome one corrupt branch of Government, but when there are two in the Legislative and Judicial denying the Rights of the Executive, Government ceases to exist by, of and for the People.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Democrat Whistleblower Exposes Biden Campaign Voter Fraud Operation
What Americans who are paying attention are witnessing are the last fail safes being triggered as set down in the genius of the Founders. Governance which seemed unnecessary in checks and balances as in the Electoral College, State Legislatures and challenges by the last two uncorrupt House and Senate members challenging election fraud, are what the Founders foresaw as the last hope against organized tyranny of the few corrupt ruling against the Will of the People.
The subject has appeared in Martial Law, Insurrection Act, but the reality of this Presidential Power, as found in President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln, is the second to last legal fail safe the Founders secured for the People, in why they placed the President in control of the military, militia and police. What courts unleash on paper in the weapons of the police state to steal from the President or the People, what congress unleashes in paying for these weapons to be unleashed, is checked by the President in the use of force in the military, the police and the People, all armed and re establishing the rule of law, against the organizes super state.
The last check the Founders left was arming the People, and in these last steps, Presidents are jailed and hung if they lose, and the People are slaughtered by the military and police. It is this what the Founders provided, for the Will of the People, in they were afforded the Constitutional choice as the Founders were in 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, to either die enslaved by the police state or die fighting the police state, allowing the chance of what all of this Government of, by and for the People, is about, in the individual living collectively in the morality of self governing liberty. A Republican form of Government, where the body of People would elect representatives entrusted with limited authority to serve the Will of the People.
President Donald Trump has the responsibility to carry out his oath of office, which the Founders established as the last authorized use of force, and if he does not fulfill that oath, then the Constitution in the Second Amendment advocates the unauthorized use of force, by individuals, united, in a well disciplined militia, whose rights can not be infringed upon.
Infringement is what the basis of the Declaration of Independence addresses and the Constitutiod redresses for the People. We the People, establish a more prefect Union to establish Justice and protect the Rights as ordained by God.
What each of you are witnessing is the genius of the Founders, and something older than the Constitution, something older than the Law of Moses in the inalienable Rights from the creation of humanity in Adam and Eve, the Right of Person beginning with them, and ending where the other Person's Rights begin.
What the 2020 election fraud reveals is the great failure of humanity in self governance and self control. The basis of all law in God and man, is against robbery, in Thou Shalt Not Steal. The many trusted and the few betrayed.
If the President does not fulfill his oath, he sentences Americans to their end, as they will be replaced by Biden invaders at the polls and their jobs. The corruption will then be the mob in complete control of the legal systems which have criminalized thee American birthright.
This Lame Cherry provides this touch stone of this theater in educating you out of ignorance, so you may comprehend the realities of this ageless drama of tyranny adn the Right of the People.
It is assessed that papers by the United States filed in the corrupt Supreme Court which has legalized election theft are worthless in value, unless those papers are backed by force, with the will of the People. Corruption has been instituted in America.
Two opposing systems can not occupy the same political space. Unlawful which criminalizes the lawful is an age old tyranny of the few using terrorism and brutality of force to establish rule. Either one kills the other, or as the political, social and financial infrastructure rots, a foreign conqueror appears in this weakness and defeats it.
What is taking place is deliberate, organized and with purpose. We will soon enough see what Der Baum der Freiheit ist bewässert.
The Smartest Man in the World - IQ 200 - Is Convinced The U.S. Election Was Stolen. ∞ thenationalpulse
The Constitutional outlier in this is the shifty, Vice President Mike Pence. As the Lame Cherry noted early, the Vice President is the embodiment of all three branches of Government, when he presides over the Senate. He is Executive representing the President. He is Congressional in presiding over the Senate. He is at that moment the highest Judiciary in the land as behind that bench, he either accepts or rejects the certifying of fraud ballots. The Vice President combines all three offices, and by returning the President to his rightful legal position, in the House then votes for the President, then is placed before the Senate to be voted upon again by his body politic to be Vice President again.
Constitutional lawyer: Vice President has power to overturn fraudulent election
This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said