Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Where can the Government Execute the Coup Plotters?



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know that I read the Bible daily, not as much as I want to, but the Holy Ghost brings things to the conversation as God communicates to all of us through His Living Word.

Today I was reading about something, you know like about the Absolom coup against King David which started all this Trump stuff, and the other day there was something too about coups, but today was about a different coup in that old Athaliah, a woman who killed off all the royals, except one little baby who was hidden away in the Temple for 7 years, until a counter coup arose and they killed the wicked coup plotter in Athaliah.

You know, Athaliah is a very pretty name, but you don't see any Stalins, Hitlers, Maos or Obamas running around as they were such wicked people, as no mother wants to name their kid after a wicked person, but it is too bad as Athaliah is a very pretty name, sounds almost Negroid, but then they would be changing it all around and making it all unpretty.


Anyway you get the story, you have a coup, where the wicked one kills off all the rivals, she thinks, and then a counter coup comes back and that group kills off the first group as you just can not leave that stuff around, as they are always trying to assassinate the wee baby king.

In the book of II Kings it says they hauled Athaliah out and executed her in public. Figure it was the sword as ropes cost money and swords were user friendly in once made, they lasted a long time. So if the President is going to win this election and then do the proper thing in executing legally the coup plotters against America, as has always been the case, the Rosenbergs in nuke secrets, the Booth conspirators, Sioux Indians, you see America does these things.

So I was looking around for some Federal Execution sites in Washington City as we should be green about things and the President signed in a bunch of revived ways to execute criminals.

Unfortunately the photos I saw on Pennsylvania Avenue, revealed the street lights looking kind of fragile. You remember the French did things ala lantern, in hanging criminals from the street lamps, but I do not think they are stout enough in America. Maybe they could try it out and have a firing squad lined up just in case the posts broke, to keep it humane, as shooting people was on the new executive order.

Anyway, I was examining the US Capitol, the People's House, and that thing looks stout, like you could hang 400 at a clip. Here is the thing in this, if you drop the executed far enough on a rope, the head will pop off, so it is sure death, and the poor executioners will only have the haul the rope up and not a dead body. Be much faster in German efficiency and Scot frugalness in honor of the President, and I figure five minutes to an execution, that is like 4800 criminal coup plotters, enemies of the State, committing High Crimes will be taken care of. Do that round the clock with CNN and FOX coverage and you are talking about a number of organ donors for those innocents in need of transplants.

I figure you build chutes off the Capitol, so the bodies and head can be like a bobsled race in the Olympics, and to keep the body snatchers save. Set up teams of surgeons to harvest organs and make 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, a life giving experience for millions of Americans in need of hearts, kidneys, livers, lungs and skin for penis enlargement.

Oh yeah, the eyes too, in that cornea stuff, be another team handling that, and afterwards I see the White House has pikes on their wall, so the heads can be on display there as a warning to the Eurasians what awaits them.

I did look at the Memorials, like Lincoln, but it seemed Old Abe was more suited for the binding and using the English broad axe. I don't know if the executive order covers guillotines, but I would think that an alteration would be easy, and some guy in a hood could knock off probably 30 high criminals an hour.



I don't know what to do with all these heads for display, but maybe they could be shipped to other locations as the birds would be well fed and there is nothing like fat song birds to help the green movement.

See America is now a 3rd world Obama place, where the Obama Bush losers have been at coup plotting and assassinations for four years, and it is a point that unless President Donald Trump throws down, he will get offed by the coup plotters, so the President is forced to remedy justice instead of mercy, as America is an Obama 3rd world nation where one side is running coups and if you don't administer a final solution, you are going to get it.

Of course some names would have to change, like the White House wall will be Skull Wall, the US Capitol will be white in stone, red in blood and blue in cadavers, I'm sure some patriotic song will be written about that which children can sing, and of course the term "Being in Lincoln's Bosom" will have an entirely new meaning.

Yes it would have been better if we did not have Wall Street globalist treachery, foreigners joining with traitors to not steal elections and not installing these foreign birthed Obama's into office, where they set a coup tone as that is all they know, but we are where we are, and the Lame Cherry is always looking to serve the Government of these United States, in helpful suggestions, with green solutions in how to make this world into a better place.

We all have to do our part though as law abiding Citizens in keeping the peace and paying our taxes while those in power fight things out.



Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
