Tuesday, December 1, 2020

William Barr joins the Biden Election Fraud Cabal against President Donald Trump


 Just remember we've all got pictures we never want the public to see.....

White House Slams AG Barr's Claims Of No Election Fraud: "There's Been No Semblance Of A DoJ Investigation"   zh

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Attorney General William Barr showed his true colors today in being a swamp croc, who first decided to protect the insider blackmail game of Special Prosecutors, whose purpose is never to find the Truth, or convict anyone who is a crook, but simply to run out the clock to let the large criminals go free.

It was Barr's statement concerning election fraud though which revealed was a quantitative Joe Goebbels he really is. 


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William Barr has given extra protection to the prosecutor he appointed to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, giving him the authority of a special counsel to complete his work without being easily fired.

Barr told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he had appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as a special counsel in October under the same federal statute that governed special counsel Robert Mueller in the original Russia probe. He said Durham’s investigation has been narrowing to focus more on the conduct of FBI agents who worked on the Russia investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane.


Look closely at what William Barr said as a Bushman is helping in the coup against Donald Trump. Barr said there was not any widespread election fraud. Even Donald Trump would not argue with that as the election theft of 2020, was a compartmentalized, centralized cabal of crooks, who laser focused on key narrow areas, so it was not widespread in everyone was doing it.....it just happened to encompass all of the US voting.




William Barr is a liar. There is absolutely no doubt about that, as today we learned of a trucker who was hired to transport illegal votes from New York to Pennsylvania. Barr the liar, though like FBI Director Christopher Wray simply can not find a crime in any of these common Biden election fraud events.
Military ballots printed up on a copy machine and all marked for Joe Biden........no election fraud there. No election fraud in vote packets sent to Dominion, sent to Spain, sent to Germany, and then back to the Untied States in massive hundreds of thousands of vote dumps for Biden, just more denial from William Barr as he fulfills his swamp croc mission.

This Lame Cherry will state again, if you look at who Robert Mueller was after...it was the missing link. The person who ran this operation. William Barr sent out John Durham to find this person and he has not been able to find this person or group. Now Barr has given perpetual money spending investigatory wrath to John Durham, to keep the blackmail pressure on as they continue to hunt the missing link...because that link is the person who started all of this to keep Hillary Clinton from being President and to make Donald Trump into the President.

I will be blunt in this. While I have no idea who the Control is, nor do I want to know, I know for certain that all of this started with Marco Rubio in his supporters and traced to Lindsey Graham in North Carolina as Graham worked as a #NeverTrumper for John McCain and Paul Singer the Jew nation rapist funded the dark file on Donald Trump, so Rubio would be Jeb Bush's Vice President.

Are any of the above trolls the missing link? Nope. But you find tracks of the control in conduits in Roger Stone pushing Paul Manafort and the contact made with Donald Trump's billionaire friend, Thomas Barrack.

Barr wants to know who was pulling these people's chains and Robert Mueller was out protecting who that person or group was.

So William Barr fulfilled his mission, he ran out the clock, and then kept John Durham around to blackmail the missing link from starting another interesting operation to expose all of this corruption in America in enemies domestic. That is what he was paid to do, to protect the pedophiles like Biden and Bush fam, so the foggy bottom curtain would once again close in on America hiding the pedo lords.

That is the side track in all of this, and the vital necessity now that the military state of Special Forces support the President and America, because Barr's police state has just certified like Bungholer John Roberts that election theft is legitimate as long as you get your whore's 30 pieces of silver.

The President must serve his elected next four year term.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
