Friday, June 19, 2020

A Brand from the Burning Lore

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would that terrorists would wear bras if they have saggy tits, and if they are going to be terrorists, not put on weight and look disgusting.

This is the story of the once hot Jewess maseusse of Pennsylvania named Lore-Elisabeth Blumenthal
See the hottie below, all limber and innocent looking would give wood to a lesbian dyke any day.

But look what happens when she goes to Minnesota. She looks like something that crawled out of Woodstock's ass in 1968 and that is the last time she took a bath, and has been using Cheetos grease for 52 years to lubricate her hair in case her electric car runs out of gas.

That is enough to make you puke and when you think she is covered with Coronavirus spew, you can see why none of them Quadroons gave her a look, as their lives mattered and they did not want to get close enough to catch something off of her.

The story of Lore Lis is interesting in you remember the BATFE bragged in Hutratree that they had hundreds of paid moles infiltrated into every movement, and yet after Obama, the FBI had no idea that this 2020 terrorism was even going to break out.
That means the Obama Comey FBI hired terrorists to keep the FBI in the dark, and the regional offices of the FBI were headed by Special Gregory Bretzing agents who did not want to know what the terrorists were doing who worked for Obama, funded by Google Ads, as the FBI kept releasing alerts about White Supremacists who were doing nothing.

So Lore Lis, goes to Minnesota, has mask, goggles, is running around in a coon mob that would naturally beat to hell any whitey, and the Quadroons leave these ANTIFA actors run rampant. There is a trail in how Lore Lis got to Minnesota and why, but the FBI did not look at that. Instead the FBI used a series of social media posts and feedback on Etsy to track down Lore Lis.
It was fascinating really in they got her tramp stamp, then got her shirt which was only sold on Etsy, and then in her positive feedback, got her profiles and by her idiotic first name, which only 3 people in the world have ever had that name, tracked her down, and got her phone number online, doing the limber poses in yoga.

It was this photo though of her torching a cop cruiser which puzzled me.

See if you can see what is wrong with this picture.

Lore Lis brought fire retardant gloves. That concludes she came to Minnesota to start fires. It concludes that she was going to be picking up burning things which she knew would already be on fire.

Study her for a moment in the pose above. You know fire is hot right? That is a ball of flame as big as her ass. That is a large BTU heat going on there, and she is not catching herself on fire, or getting burned, she has practiced this before.

What do you see? Fire, yes fire, but what kind of fire? This was a burning police barricade. Wood produces smoke, plastic produces smoke, but there is not any smoke from this fire. It is not a hot blue flame, but a cooler orange flame, and you missed this, in what happens when you run with fire? A candle for example? The flame bends, and extinguishes.
This fire is still a ball in it is moving. Even a torch about goes out when someone moves with it, but not this fireball. Someone has been experimenting with a flammable substance  which burns when moving, produces no smoke, and a fire ball which will not incinerate the arsonist.
This is advanced pyrotechnics, as this substance which was placed on police barricades was designed to burn for a long time in minutes and not extinguish the fuel supply.  This appears to be a gel compound of little residue, and the reports indicated this incendiary device was burning hot enough that it ignited the vehicle interior within minutes to a fireball, which destroyed the vehicle.

According to the court papers filed, as cited by the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper, the evidence against Blumenthal first came in the form of live helicopter footage from a local news station on May 30. It showed a woman in flame-retardant gloves grabbing a burning piece of a police barricade and tossing it inside a police SUV. The burning barricade had already been used to destroy one police vehicle.

"Within minutes, the SUV was also completely engulfed in flames," court documents stated. "As result of the fires, both PPD vehicles were destroyed."

Obama's Intifada, has some very state of the art technology, in this is detailed. They are not just dumping gasoline and igniting it. These are studied matters of what chemicals provide the best results for urban terrorism. This is not some bullshit a terrorist dreams up in a Bill Ayers basement. This is the stuff that comes out of government testing for military and intelligence operations. Somewhere in the United States government is a series of reports on which materials provide the best arsonist fuel, and that is what ANTIFA has obtained. These materials are tracked as they are chemicals and someone assembled them and transported them to all of these flaming faggot locations.

Interestingly in Pennsylvania, there were undercover police standing as the Soy boy terrorists destroyed a police cruiser, but in Minnesota the vehicles were abandoned as was the police plaza, where all the narcotics, dope money, counterfeit money, stolen goods and firearms were all handed over to the terrorists.
Benghazi under Obama handed all of Libya's arsenal over to Obama terrorists. This was coordinated in the cops stood down, and the terrorists were engaged in crimes they had rehearsed for for sometime.

There are locations in America, where these terrorists have been practicing their chants and how to build flaming cars and how to handle incendiary devices.

That is a great deal of activity which the FBI should have had lists of names on, and yet none have appeared. Instead the FBI was sifting through social media, because their 65,000 dollar a year paid Obama informants did not tell the FBI about this planned terrorism, and the FBI regional offices who employed these assets did not bother to asks questions.

It has been almost 3 weeks since the Obama Intifada took place, and the FBI has had no information to go on, except what the press had photographed, and in that, it is the US Attorneys who are appearing to be directing these investigations.

In a message to other Etsy-loving arsonists, US Attorney William M McSwain said in a statement, “Anybody who engaged in such acts can stand by to put your hands behind your back and head to federal prison. We are coming for you.”

The facts of these cases is, that America has numbers of these terrorists roaming the United States, moving to hiding locations, spreading the virus to new areas, again revealing coordination and funding. Some have just disappeared as if into FBI safe houses.

There simply is too much evidence in this, that this was too elaborate from police radios blocked in Chicago, scouts on bicycles reporting where police were deployed in New York and bricks showing up in key locations, and when this was revealed, the operations switched to telling soy children to bring their own rocks and bottles.

This Obama Intifada was designed to operate in a law enforcement blind spot, and used the system to politically bind the police so these riots would go rampant. This came from inside the government, much like the textbook money laundering operation of the Southern Poverty Law Center, was coordinating with the FBI, stashing a fortune of cash and designed to smear innocent people on the right.

These were not lone wolves. This was a cancerous spread as deliberate as the biological weapon of Coronavirus Wuhan. There is not any way that the FBI does not know by now, the degrees of separation in this, and the known associates to a central point in this, and nothing has been done about it, because the cover story is that these were individuals, when this was no more individual than the KGB.

The Lame Cherry broke this story in matter anti matter exclusive and not one Mockingbird media has reported on this in the facts are as plain as a snowplow in the snow. These soy children were snowflakes, were sorted out, conditioned and turned into terrorists, and it all is Obama ideology and George Soros funding, supplemented by NSA Google ads in money laundering and provided cover by the police state and directed by Obama political directives.

This operation is out there. The expendables are being rounded up, but those coordinating this, funding this and directing this are not being arrested, as this is supposed to be happening. The Obama marxists are to be the extreme so that nazism will be the surpise in 2021 when people begin complaining that they did not vote for this, as the politicians are now all voting like John Roberts does at the Supreme Court.

Nuff Said


The Coronacide Vaccine

Coronacide, for primates, when you just won't die fast enough.


FDA Revokes Emergency Authorization of Hydroxychloroquine for CCP Virus   theepochtimes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you recall, it was Rush Limbaugh, George Noory and Tucker Carlsen who led the push to open up thee American economy, which was followed by Lawrence Kudlow ending workmans compensation to the 28 million Americans with literal dead end jobs, as paying them would not force them to choose between starving and dying from Coronavirus death, as a big Michigan and right wing protest.

Of course it was coincidence that just as the lockdown was ended, and people rushed out, that porn star, Chicom money launderer George Floyd died from a self administered heart attack, after a lengthy criminal career of jamming guns into the guts of women to make them scream.

We know that ANTIFA planned for this uprising, funded by Obama and George Soros, and we know that Joe Biden gets 99% of the ANTIFA donations, funneled to his campaign. What we did not know is Rush "it's only a common cold" Limbaugh had run a Mockingbird operation to get people on the right following FBI minders to rallies so the lockdown would have cover to be lifted, and we know from this  that ANTIFA had scheduled riots after the lockdown was lifted, so Limbaugh, Carlsen and Noory were part of a coordination with ANTIFA, which now has America on fire and the Coronavirus infecting in strategic waves in the Black, Latino and Indian communities by design.

Remember this blog posted that in early June there would be the coming spikes in the Mexican communities and they are now cresting from Governor Kristi Noem's first scorched earth of over 300 cases from one Mexicans in Sioux Falls South Dakota, because when a GOP Mayor appealed for a lockdown Noem let it spread like wildfire, and kept importing foreigners into other areas in the slaughter plants, creating hot zones all across South Dakota.

We have now reached a reality which former CIA Director William Colby stated before he was assassinated, and that was no one can trust the system as the system is designed to not just slow the spread, BUT TO INFECT YOU.

The system is not designed to treat you, but to INFECT YOU so that a mandate will be enforced for FORCED INJECTIONS COME SEPTEMBER.

It was heart wrenching to hear old people in Texas stating, "I have done all I can. I give up". People disciplined themselves to have results in not catching this virus and to control the spread, but what has been taking place are DELIBERATE SPREADING of this virus with ANTIFA COORDINATION. Blacks were being infected, and in the same stream, the National Guard was contracting this virus in being exposed to Blacks.

Yet with all of the absolute certainty, that Chloroquine when administered with Zinc and an antibiotic if necessary, there was a deep state coordinated push to sabotage the Chloroquine results by only giving it to dead people and then blaming the drug. Fake studies were produced and published in the Lancet, which had to be retracted, along with attacking Donald Trump. The FDA being a fraud agency of big pharm also lied about Chloroquine, in publishing data which did not include Zinc in the protocols. Of course Chloroquine is not going to work without Zinc, as the only part Chloroquine plays is opening up the cells so Zinc can penetrate the cells, and this is what kills the biological weapon which is Coronavirus Wuhan.

FDA Revokes Emergency Authorization of Hydroxychloroquine for CCP Virus   theepochtimes

Surgisphere, the company behind the retracted hydroxychloroquine study, is no more   hotair 

There have been hundreds of thousands of needless deaths and millions of shattered lives over this plague, due to this criminal manipulation of the data to sabotage treatments which ARE effective in Chloroquine and Ivomec. This is pure murder.

In addition, the makers of an immune suppressant, Redsivar (sp) which is a queer drug for HIV, was tried in China and ruled out, but it was dumped into America and given to the sick, instead of Chloroquine, with the net result it was rejected as it was in Asia as it DOES NOT WORK.

Now that the FDA has lied about Chloroquine and hospitals in Florida were not using the 1 million doses that President Trump and Governor DeSantis has obtained from India,  the English are now touting a steroid named Dexamethasone as life saving. This drug does nothing for people with symptoms. It helps if you are almost dead and on a ventilator, but the point is TO NOT GET ON THE VENTILATOR WITH CHLOROQUINE TREATMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Coronavirus: Dexamethasone proves first life-saving drug

  • 16 June 2020

The only conclusion in this is, Coronavirus Wuhan was spread by the PLA, and is being spread by Big Pharma and agents of the ANTIFA terrorism, to apparently keep Blacks from voting for Donald Trump as dead coons vote for Joe Biden. There is one purpose for all of these lies and murderous policies and that is to infect masses of people in key demographics. As enough people have been sick, enough samples taken, it is evident there are labs in the United States producing vats of Coronavirus Mirror and are infecting people with it. As ANTIFA was framing Blacks in putting looted goods in cars they started on fire, it is highly likely that ANTIFA agents directed looters to stores which had contaminated beverages in them or were handing out plague carrying masks, in a throwback to the English small pox infected blankets. That is what is behind the push for masks, as masks in the hands of the public spreads this plague, and how much more readily would it spread is if the masks already had Coronavirus on them.

So you are going to be deliberately infected with this virus. The next step are these serums based in Moderna dead babies being force injected into millions of people for profit and tracking. The Astra Zeneka serum was touted as the cure, which the trial monkeys ALL CAUGHT THE VIRUS later, is now promised to provide immunity for a year. There is not any way that Astra Zeneka can promise anything of that sort, as they have no idea how long immunity in anyone will last. That is just an estimate to con people into getting injected.

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine likely to protect for a year - CEO - Reuters   reuters 

The British drugmaker has already begun human trials of the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, with a phase I trial in Britain due to end soon and a phase III trial already begun, Pascal Soriot told broadcaster Bel RTL.
“We think that it will protect for about a year,” Soriot said.
AstraZeneca said on Saturday that it had signed contracts with France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands to supply the European Union with up to 400 million doses of the potential vaccine.
It has also agreed deals with Britain and the United States.
“If all goes well, we will have the results of the clinical trials in August/September. We are manufacturing in parallel. We will be ready to deliver from October if all goes well,” Soriot said.

We think maybe, probably, could be, kind of, could be, that injection might, sort of, could, we think, we hope, last a year or maybe less, could be less, probably is less........but we are lying about all of this and gearing up so all of this will be ready to go in October so we can terrorize Europeans to get injected then as we will have them naked and out in the winter to terrify them to getting the injection.

400 million doses are going to be force injected in Europe, for a serum that still gives you the plague, so expect a resurgence of this plague, deliberately implanted and media propagandized to force people to get injected, and then it will be, "See they are doing it in Europe so you Americans better do it too".

What is odd in this is, Coronavirus injections are a great deal like sex. The point is to not get the girl pregnant and the point is to not get the plague, yet in both cases of Planned Parenthood of the globalists, the point is to promote sex to cause a baby, just like the point is to open America's virginal legs up by force and give it Corona VD so that Americans will be forced to get the Coronacide  Vaccine.

This is all deliberate and being spread by agents from the left and right, and it is working lethally sick,  as people have given up, and are ready to die, and will be ready to have Homeland and the US fag military come hold them down and inject 100 mcg's of this hybrid virus into their bodies to make them ill, so they will still get sick from the plague.....but be promised it will not be as bad.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


Vox You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mockingbird propaganda has lost so much of it's appeal with the Ann Coulter basis that Coronavirus came out of a bat's ass. Another well funded website is Vox, which posted a most ignorant series of Colterite charges which are perplexing in how baseless they are, as not even Darwin candidates would accept the charges.

Time spent on the conspiracy theories takes away from the time Trump should be focused on winning his war. A national response requires a president focused on the task at hand, not dividing a nation that should come together during a time of crisis.

Whether it is the Rense echo chamber, humping the Colter line of Trump is stupid, or the loser slurs of Nancy Pelosi and that fag Anderson Cooper that Trump is fat, you can see that none of this even approaches the level of the trickery of the Pissgate Dossier in framing Donald Trump, or what Obama engaged in, in framing Michael Flynn.

I endlessly read threads of these Vox types ranting about "fighting the coronavirus".  They are fixated about the war with this virus, and of course Trump is losing that war and not fighting it.

They always want examples, as they know their readers and comrades are too stupid to use a search engine or change the channel off of the brainwashers they are listening to, but the examples are there in the Trump Policy. None of this policy has changed from the day that Donald Trump shut down flights coming into America from China, when the PLA was sending out infected Chinese to spread this virus around the world.

This is not a defense of Donald Trump, but the facts.

People were told that the policy was to slow down the virus spread, so it would not overwhelm the hospitals. Trump accomplished this.

The policy is now to infect Americans in a further controlled spread, which will not overwhelm the system, as the entire policy was to always infect enough people to create the 3 month firewall of immunity to make this virus a disease to be managed.

With that basis, the President bribed the people to hold still long enough, to not go into a mass panic for 1200 dollars. After that cookie, the President slapped them in shock therapy, to get them back to work and exposed to the virus.

What is the reality of this is, everyone knows this is an impossible situation, and there is no fixing it. Obama like Bill Clinton with terrorists killing Americans, figured a few thousand would be better than having a war with Iran. Obama just let Mexicans and Americans kids die in his pandemic, because it was nothing he wanted to be tainted by. Thousands dead were acceptable, because that virus was lethal, but it had a shelf life and expired before all the people did.
Coronavirus is different in a biological weapon of special design. It was designed to spread, kill, keep infecting and come back. There is no immunity, no stopping it, all there is, is managing the kill rate, in the hope the innoculation strain, provides that firewall to society.

The President's answer though is investing tens of millions of dollars in a serum which the President has purchased 900 million doses. It is what the experts state is the answer. The answer though is not the remedy as these RNA virus do not remedy in most forms, and it is why it was chosen as a biological weapon.

The President is not fighting anything, nor is he waging a war. No one can fight a plague and no one can go to war against a virus. It is the wrong analogy, and those using those terms, are reptile brain, in fight or flight. Vox is scared so it reacts in fighting, it can not attack the virus, so they attack Trump. Colter is a virus though as she infects the Rense types who are sissy in using lame slurs of stupid, instead of examining what the President is engaged in and why.
Whining he is fat, is not a winning debate, it is a loser epitaph, because Donald Trump has kicked the media's ass.

The President knows what the reality is, and is doing what can be done. A group has been trying to assassinate him with this virus in several attempts from AIPAC, CPAC to his steward. He told people to take Chloroquine with zinc, and he engaged in the example of taking the drug as a preventative to show everyone how to not get the virus.

I am waiting to see how this President handles the injections. If he forces mass injections, there is not any way I would support him. It is the rabbit out of the hat and frankly, I would support his forcing injections into all the foreigners, as ridding America of them would be of great benefit as they are spreading this plague.
Dr. Mikovits is stating that 50 million in America will die from the serum. It certainly has not done well in tests, as people still got the plague and others ended up in hospital.

This Coronavirus is a car crash in motion. There is not a great deal that can be done, than what has been done, and it will still not be over when the crash is done, as the after effects will still have to be dealt with.
That is not Donald Trump's fault. It is what happens when drunk Chinese drivers get behind the wheel and those in charge, punish them before they kill the entire world.

The President is no more to blame, that you are to blame for this virus. Those are the facts and being emotional about it, or being a propaganda whore does not help people who are in a mania over these events. Everyone is going to die sometime. The Coronavirus just happens to be a too close reminder of that event, and it bothers lots of people who are lying to themselves, in dreading the day they have to face God.

Everybody's got to learn sometime, but blaming Trump because people being paid to scare you are succeeding, does not change the reality that you are going to have to deal with Coronavirus Wuhan. The President did his part.  You can either do your part or take Vox you.

Nuff Said

