As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Mockingbird propaganda has lost so much of it's appeal with the Ann Coulter basis that Coronavirus came out of a bat's ass. Another well funded website is Vox, which posted a most ignorant series of Colterite charges which are perplexing in how baseless they are, as not even Darwin candidates would accept the charges.
Time spent on the conspiracy theories takes away from the time Trump should be focused on winning his war. A national response requires a president focused on the task at hand, not dividing a nation that should come together during a time of crisis.
Whether it is the Rense echo chamber, humping the Colter line of Trump is stupid, or the loser slurs of Nancy Pelosi and that fag Anderson Cooper that Trump is fat, you can see that none of this even approaches the level of the trickery of the Pissgate Dossier in framing Donald Trump, or what Obama engaged in, in framing Michael Flynn.
I endlessly read threads of these Vox types ranting about "fighting the coronavirus". They are fixated about the war with this virus, and of course Trump is losing that war and not fighting it.
They always want examples, as they know their readers and comrades are too stupid to use a search engine or change the channel off of the brainwashers they are listening to, but the examples are there in the Trump Policy. None of this policy has changed from the day that Donald Trump shut down flights coming into America from China, when the PLA was sending out infected Chinese to spread this virus around the world.
This is not a defense of Donald Trump, but the facts.
People were told that the policy was to slow down the virus spread, so it would not overwhelm the hospitals. Trump accomplished this.
The policy is now to infect Americans in a further controlled spread, which will not overwhelm the system, as the entire policy was to always infect enough people to create the 3 month firewall of immunity to make this virus a disease to be managed.
With that basis, the President bribed the people to hold still long enough, to not go into a mass panic for 1200 dollars. After that cookie, the President slapped them in shock therapy, to get them back to work and exposed to the virus.
What is the reality of this is, everyone knows this is an impossible situation, and there is no fixing it. Obama like Bill Clinton with terrorists killing Americans, figured a few thousand would be better than having a war with Iran. Obama just let Mexicans and Americans kids die in his pandemic, because it was nothing he wanted to be tainted by. Thousands dead were acceptable, because that virus was lethal, but it had a shelf life and expired before all the people did.
Coronavirus is different in a biological weapon of special design. It was designed to spread, kill, keep infecting and come back. There is no immunity, no stopping it, all there is, is managing the kill rate, in the hope the innoculation strain, provides that firewall to society.
The President's answer though is investing tens of millions of dollars in a serum which the President has purchased 900 million doses. It is what the experts state is the answer. The answer though is not the remedy as these RNA virus do not remedy in most forms, and it is why it was chosen as a biological weapon.
The President is not fighting anything, nor is he waging a war. No one can fight a plague and no one can go to war against a virus. It is the wrong analogy, and those using those terms, are reptile brain, in fight or flight. Vox is scared so it reacts in fighting, it can not attack the virus, so they attack Trump. Colter is a virus though as she infects the Rense types who are sissy in using lame slurs of stupid, instead of examining what the President is engaged in and why.
Whining he is fat, is not a winning debate, it is a loser epitaph, because Donald Trump has kicked the media's ass.
The President knows what the reality is, and is doing what can be done. A group has been trying to assassinate him with this virus in several attempts from AIPAC, CPAC to his steward. He told people to take Chloroquine with zinc, and he engaged in the example of taking the drug as a preventative to show everyone how to not get the virus.
I am waiting to see how this President handles the injections. If he forces mass injections, there is not any way I would support him. It is the rabbit out of the hat and frankly, I would support his forcing injections into all the foreigners, as ridding America of them would be of great benefit as they are spreading this plague.
Dr. Mikovits is stating that 50 million in America will die from the serum. It certainly has not done well in tests, as people still got the plague and others ended up in hospital.
This Coronavirus is a car crash in motion. There is not a great deal that can be done, than what has been done, and it will still not be over when the crash is done, as the after effects will still have to be dealt with.
That is not Donald Trump's fault. It is what happens when drunk Chinese drivers get behind the wheel and those in charge, punish them before they kill the entire world.
The President is no more to blame, that you are to blame for this virus. Those are the facts and being emotional about it, or being a propaganda whore does not help people who are in a mania over these events. Everyone is going to die sometime. The Coronavirus just happens to be a too close reminder of that event, and it bothers lots of people who are lying to themselves, in dreading the day they have to face God.
Everybody's got to learn sometime, but blaming Trump because people being paid to scare you are succeeding, does not change the reality that you are going to have to deal with Coronavirus Wuhan. The President did his part. You can either do your part or take Vox you.
Nuff Said
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