Saturday, January 30, 2021

DUMB's - Deep Underground Military Bases

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


A woman discovered a series of maps in an abandoned trailer, which are interesting in dates from the 1970's revealing that from Kansas to California there is a labyrinth of tunnels connecting much of the United States.

There have been rumors of this, in deep boring machines which the Air Force does have, and complexes for doomsday events. 

While I do not believe in aliens. What I believe is there are demons, who helped with knowledge transfer to wean humans from God, and they have been breeding clones which most of you know as Grey's from the Reptilian demonic line.

This simply is something to examine.

What I believe this is, is someone decided to write a book and obviously never had it published because this is not supposed to be information the public should have.

Nuff Said


