Friday, January 22, 2021

Joepardy The Final Jeopardy





As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 As an empath, I feel more for others than myself. In the above video of Chicom Joe, which has been seen across the globe now, he is getting more earpiece directions in what to do, reminded of what he should be doing, and in this case he is supposed to salute the Marines. He was supposed to do this when he started the ascent up the Capitol steps, but did not do it, so whoever is in Biden's ear, tells him to SALUTE THE MARINES. All Biden does is mumble "Salute the Marines".

What bothers me is what kind of woman Jill Biden is, as she know her husband is not up to being President. How you could let someone you are married to be exposed to this, and exposed, and little alone how it does not dawn on you, that America is in world which needs a competent leader, as nuclear missiles are 11 minutes away, should be troubling as a wife and an American.

This is the case now that in watching this video, that the Secret Service is there, the Marines are there, and they have all heard this stuff coming out of Biden. He is an old man who talks to himself, falls down and breaks bones when he chases a dog, and he needs to be told what to do by someone in his ear.

This is the stuff of 25th Amendment and I'm not pushing that, as Kamala Harris is even more incompetent.

This group thinks it will rule by committee, in Susan Rice will direct foreign policy and whoever is sending Homeland and FBI out to intimidate Americans being Americans can handle all of this. The problem is everyone knows that they are going to be able to roll Biden, and the lack of leadership in committee will benefit the Europeans and Asians.

Here is what is stands between Americans and terrorism, first strike nuclear attacks and nvasion.








 We have the 45th President to thank for saving his life and leaving us in this kind of joepardy.
