As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is attempting to keep you as quickly up to date on things we suspected and General McInerney has gone public that it was Special Forces who moved in on the US Capitol and confiscated all the hard drives in Nancy Pelosi's office.
There is said video of these forces moving and telling the DC police that they are not ANTIFA.
WATCH - Lt Gen MacInerney Reveal Special Forces
Got Pelosi's Laptop Under Cover Of The Capitol Riot
It was evident that someone stole these hard drives, either in ANTIFA blackmail of the Speaker or a special operation to gain intelligence.
For those who need more of an explanation in this, the Executive Order since September 2018 has been operational since it was signed. When ANTIFA and the DC police colluded in the Capitol ransacking, martial law was declared and is still in force, so Special Forces sent in to secure the Speaker's computers was legal. These would be in the custody of Ezra Cohen-Watnick.
From Pelosi's elbow bump with Mike Pence, there was coordination in this steal and those hard drives would have it all, including the admissions by Pelosi of knowing the election was stolen and how to deal with it.
By Pelosi's reaction, it is not about Rush Limbaugh's release of classified documents on these traitors, it is Pelosi knows what was on those hard drives with years of dirty deals. It is why democrats are going nuts to impeach the President, and if you look who lined up as in Senator Toomey of Pennsylvania, it is a given that his name is in Pelosi's files in spying for her and working against the President.
They confiscated the Speaker's computer and she can't accuse the President and they confiscated other computers, as in Pelosi knew damn certain which devices were gone, as in she has a set of books she keeps her deals in and she has a set of computers where she keeps her dirty deals in.
Those computers are the stuff which get Seth Rich shot in the street over.
It is why Pelosi tried to get that political minder General Milley to remove Trump immediately, and it is why Milley and the Pentagon have backed down. Channels have to have opened that Milley has been briefed on the rudimentary content of the Pelosi hard drives. Milley the stooge has been alerted who the enemy is.
Pelosi Urges US Military Chief of Staff to
Stop Trump From 'Ordering a Nuclear Strike'
Senator Jeff Merkley's computers were seized too. These were conference computers and taken for reason from the individuals.
Laptop in Pelosi's office among items stolen in Capitol riot
2 days agoThe Trump-supporting rioters who broke into the Capitol building during Wednesday's deadly insurrection swiped laptops from the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Jeff Merkley, among ...
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said