I would like to know how many of the arrested for the Capitol ransacking, were paid FBI assets as at Malheur.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
David John Oates was on Rense with Trump reversals, but he played this selection which was reflective of American clients Mr. Oates has. They are all stating the same thing. They are also a collective of information in what the matrix is recording and projecting.
This Southern American added at the end in being prepared, his reversal touched on something he would not know of, and he stated YOUR WILL NSA.
Yes that which has always had all the information in the collective psyche of what was and what will be.
all David John Oates clients reflect this
bombs through stealth
she's a black fighter - you'll find a nazi
they'll kill the heathen first
you see the killer - our USA damned
there will be a thunder they're be a thunder
these plans are silly
they burn your money
they're sick cunts -they're not going to win
your will NSA
The following are the Trump reversals at the Alamo.
the crime alone is on your law
alarm but I'll work a scam
they let the killer off
he likes to wish you well
It had better a pretty good scam to save us all.
Nuff Said