Monday, January 11, 2021

Meghan McCain The Gulag Queen


But daddy you promised Uncle Joe liked fatty girls!!!



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


So after John the hero McCain worked until he committed suicide to destroy Donald Trump's Presidency and his ditz daughter, fat Megs, used the funeral to attack the President, and fat Megs has done nothing but not vote for President Donald Trump and champion pedo Joe..........and after Meghan McCain got exactly what that McCain tribe has been angling for.......she now fears censorship from the NSA's taxpayer paid for social media spy platforms which helped Biden steal this election.



 ‘I Fear Censorship’: Meghan McCain Warns ‘Five Dorks In Silicon Valley’ Have Too Much Power   caller


Oh Daddy,  it wasn't my fault, how was I to know that eating 400 donuts as day would turn me into a blimp.


This stupid woman, just discovered what these other shit for brains Biden thieves are going to discover, in someone who stoops to crimes to steal elections, has no morals, is a traitor, is loyal to only their bank accounts built on exploiting going to be getting them banned and fired, just like they did Donald Trump.

These Biden fascists will come for their own first and last, because they do not spend time listening to Christians. They notice which of their own are causing problems.

How long before Joy Behar denounces Meghan McCain as a terrorist and ABC fires her? 

See fatty never figured that out in her hate for Donald Trump. None of them figured that out and it is soon to be too late.

Nuff Said

