Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Mike Pence Sent Military After Americans - Not Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

FULL Video of Girl Being Shot For No Reason Inside Capitol…


With the murder of an American woman in the US Capitol by the police state, there is one picture of the last American who will ever stand at the dias on Capitol Hill.


 So you understand your representatives today, fled from the People of the United States. So you understand there were numbers of federal agents involved in all of what took place on Capitol Hill.


Something’s Odd About Group Who Broke Into Capitol Through Windows

President Trump called for Americans to appear. They appeared. The President has disappeared.

Unless this President removes Mike Pence immediately. Unless this President declares the Insurrection Act and arrests those who murdered an American in her People's House, the Lame Cherry has no interest in what Donald Trump says or Mike Pence is in control as Pence is the one who deployed the National Guard against Americans.

Did Mike Pence activate the 25th Amendment. Is the coup complete against Donald Trump?

Nuff Said
