Wednesday, January 6, 2021

You are now a Mob



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


As this Lame Cherry has been warning each of you to not act out or be goaded into things, because the police state has assets in all of the events of DC, in trying to protect you, Americans have now reached the reality that the elections are worthless. The courts are corrupt and Congress is a suckling of the internationalist elite. When the events of Capitol Hill were stated on January 6th, Americans became enemies of the state, criminalized, and what will follow is a crackdown.

We are facing a reality that reports from the acting SecDef stated he briefed everyone but Trump. That is was Mike Pence who called out the national guard on the insurrectionists. That is Trump supporters and insurrection is a capital offense as in state executions.

A nameless woman was murdered on Capitol Hill, unarmed like LaVoy Finnicum, surrounded by FBI assets who were not harmed.

The reality is Donald Trump has been removed from office and he is there in name only to keep a lid on this, to no doubt save his life for a few more days. As Ann Coulter for Pedo Biden is attacking her consort of Trump and his idiot children, we now hear from the inner Trump circle pleading for their lives and in Brad Parscale's case, telling us all to wait for the next election, as we will win it then.


President Trump has tweeted to supporters to remain peaceful.

White House Senior Advisor Ivanka Trump has also weighed in. 

Former Trump campaign manager and Donald Trump Jr. are also condemning the violence. 


The Christian Conservative Patriot Base in America could grow to 500 billion and with vote fraud which is now what rules America, Republicans have won their last races......the real Republicans are finished, as are all of these Kristi Noem states. Biden as this blog has stated will hammer Noem with withholding federal funds and that skirt will buckle or be hauled away as a member of the mob.

What is coming is what this Lame Cherry warned of in Biden State, as Biden State with Mike Pence leading it was Kent State on the US Capitol today. What follows are millions of new legalized Biden foreign vermin who will be shipped to every GOP state that remains, and those states will be flipped.

This blog has told you the Republic is dead long ago. Bidencon will now rule.


By all the signs, Donald Trump is finished. General Mike Flynn was either a troll or he was used by the President too, as Lin Wood was used, as there is nothing left except the Insurrection Act and a real crackdown, but the necessity of what would make this happen, is the armed mob, Donald Trump has ordered to run home and wait for Biden State to appear knocking on their doors and pick them off one by one in the mandatory vax and gun confiscation.

The Lame Cherry's counsel has not changed. This is too big for anyone or group to topple. It was designed that way. There are already more Capitol Hill examples which will be unleashed as soon as Biden assumes the position. February should see a major police state crackdown to shatter the Trump supporters who are being defined by Don jr. as violent and no better than ANTIFA so jr. will try and save his life from Bidencon.

There is going to be guerilla warfare in the United States. The FBI assets have everyone marked, but there are going to be actors who get lucky or develop skills and take parts of this system of control apart and they will learn. In this pinning action, the big war is coming by design, and in that is where the battle will be fought. Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are not capable of leading Americans as they will not follow, so by design the United States will be humiliated and face defeat from the Eurasians.

So my prayer is for Christ's return, as what has overthrown America and the world, will require national forces greater than what any American group could attempt, as if Americans came close, you could count on biological or nuclear weapons to wipe out their concentrations.

So pay your taxes, do not make yourself a target, and look to Christ as the solid center of your lives as I have been stating this all along. Whether you know it or not, after November 3rd, in a shocked nation which was immobile this poor orphan girl stood up and moved you into a mobile group again. You do not need Donald Trump to not lead you, you have Christ. So tomorrow as you were told before, it is packs and saddles at the morning  to the twilight's last gleaming, and you are moving by the left flank, swearing allegiance to whatever bullshit they offer and teaching your children the sacred words of moral liberty.

I will be asking God's direction on this as I'm in disbelief too and my Spirit is in flux, but God will provide the peaceful direction in this as your objective is to survive this and to survive to Christ's Second Coming.

You are now the majority in being the lunatic fringe. You were smeared by this long ago. Get used to it, as your mission is to survive, not to fight. Time to go contemplate in Spirit and pray to give you the best direction to stay alive.

Your thinking is going to have to evolve, when the knock comes, as there is no flight of fight as that brings death. Everyone can't have Lin Wood as an attorney so make sure you have a lawyer who will take your call and represent you, if it comes to that, and that is who you speed dial, not a firearm.

Nuff Said
