Saturday, January 9, 2021

OK - Psychopaths for Biden are Disturbing



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



OK, it is hard with all the psychopathic revelations spewing from Biden voter stealers like Nancy Pelosi who make even Jake Tapper sound like he just has a bad case of PMS, but this liberal Arthur Chu, actually surpasses the NIH guy who said Josh Hawley should be skinned alive and rolled in salt......and then posted it twice.



See what I do not get is I had always thought intelligence reflected logic, like  a Jeopardy champion with all that information stored in their brain about nothing no one needs to know, would be informed past would not expect Ken Jennings to say something like Elephants are horses that go hee haw, for the reason in just passing through life and watching Nature, you would pick up that elephants and horses are not the same animal.

Chu though attacks Ashli Babbitt as Ashley Babbitt. OK so he apparently does not read the news, only listens. Then he goes on to call her a Nazi, and a fatty tumor......and as the bullet struck her in the neck, he says this is where a human brain is located.

Chu then goes full master race in saying that Ashli Babbitt was not human like real humans, so it was a good thing to kill her like a rabid dog.

This is really severe stuff for a little Chinaman who hides behind his knowledge to protect himself from bullies, as he uses knowledge to bully others in keeping them away, and in forensic psychology the little guy reveals how vulnerable he is to White women and even more so how intimidated he is, if pedo Joe Biden does not complete stealing this election.

There is so much bothersome in this Chu rant in a Nazi is a National Socialist, a leftist like Chu, like Nancy Pelosi as socialism is the government taking money from people, giving it to corporations to do things like provide food stamp bread from only their Amazon brands, the workers have no choice but to work and the elite sit around on Twitter tweeting.
Ashli Babbitt is an accomplished Air Force Veteran. Served 4 tours and loved Donald Trump and would die for him. She had no fear. Now Donald Trump is a nationalist, capitalist and an Americanist. None of his supporters are socialists, so Ashli Babbitt can not be a Nazi and that is the glaring stupidity of Arthur Chu.

Sure he has no empathy for human life, like babies are tissue and women are tumors. Twitter has no problem with his hate filled posts, but that is Jack Dorsey living vicariously through his clients. Whether Arthur Chu is a sociopath in being brainwashed that way in his rearing or a psychopath in born that way or suffered from head trauma, is not that important as his statements, while ignorant of any semblance of basic knowledge or humanity, are the example of this species of Biden voters, where the human part is missing or more to the point, the Protestant Christian part which was thee American identity, based literally in German Lutheranism in they have God to validate them, not pedo Joe, so they do not get worked up in being scared of a White woman, and calling women worms or not having a basic understanding of what political division a National Socialist is.

"When a bullet goes through the fatty tumor a Nazi has in the space where a human being would have a brain, nothing is lost," continued Chu, who is a voiceover artist, actor, and has more than 40,000 Twitter followers. "A pile of meat that moved and spoke and acted like a person was made to stop moving, and thus could no longer fool people into thinking it was one of them."

"A Nazi is the opposite of a kill them is to bring life," he said. "You should feel less bad than you do about putting down a rabid animal."


 These Biden voters are deranged, as they say creepy things which creep normal people out. They say abnormal things and have absolutely no comprehension what they just said is unacceptable. Even Serial Murderers know enough to not voice in public their inner demons, not Biden voters though, as things just flow out of them as they become more emboldened into believing they have that mythical power and now they can attack all that which is a threat to Joe Biden in the Oval O.

As you will never see Twitter banning Arthur Chu or any person like Nancy Pelosi denouncing them, you have a complete picture of even what Joe Biden thinks and only sometimes spews out. Arthur Chu is every Biden voter and they are comfortable with their warped thoughts as this is what goes on in their minds.

They are soon to have the FBI with all the guns and Pentagon with all the bullets, to put those bullets into tumor flesh and they will be pleased as they have talked themselves into that they are the humans and everyone else is the animals.


Nuff Said

