Monday, January 4, 2021

Poor Little Liz Cheney Has A Butt Hurt - Let Daddy Kiss It


Besides Wyoming, we have a doomsday mansion in Paraguay to flee to
as we're not going to die like the 99%.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It amazes me in the patrician GOP in having their millions, having destroyed the Reagan Legacy, having let aborticide rot the womb of America, let Obama sodomy pollute the ass of America and having done nothing to return Gun Rights and is now in the process of making money off a human slave labor in replacing real Americans with more Obama Birthers, think they will be immune to the realities of Kenya, Rhodesia and South Africa, being turned over to communist wogs, that the Liz Cheney whiteness is going to make her immune from the same exile, as she certifies that a pedophile, rapist, traitor in Chicom Joe Biden is going to have an American for the Cheney's to rape and plunder in.

This is the political bastard of the Bush family, and Dick Cheney helped father this bastard in all America is, is what Dick Cheney was a part of. Foreign invasion, China built to superpower status, Russia being financially raped and robbed, endless wars, American gun dealers harassed and taxed out of existence by the BATFE, all are from Dick Cheney and he never did a thing to stop it.

I have always supported Dick Cheney, except when he went queer over his lesbian abomination of his daughter. I had always like Liz Cheney, but her latest pimping for the world order in going after Donald Trump, as democracy is only defined by then when Donald Trump hands America over to genocide, and all of us are supposed to just accept that the nation our White and Black forefathers bled for, sweat for, died for, is to just be handed over to Wall Street international rapine........that is democracy and Liz Cheney is either the dumbest blonde in the world or she is a traitor, because even Wyoming is going to be flipped to Biden communism in a few years when Biden imports 100 million foreigners and makes them instant voters in 2022.

Americans have nowhere else to go. Canada is socialist Nazi. Australia is socialist Nazi. No way in hell are we being shipped off to Mars to start some damned colony, where we are promised things like in America for homesteading and it is now being stolen from us, as Liz Cheney says we are the problem.

Liz Cheney like her pedo counterparts in John Thune are going to fulfill Webster Griffin Tarpley's revelation that the GOP will be a 3rd rate party, as the 80 million armed Citizens who voted for Donald Trump are never going to vote for Biden cum like her.

Everyone knows this election was stolen from Donald Trump. Everyone knows this is a leviathan which created this upheaval for the very reason to rip America apart, and instead of helping Liz Cheney is there helping the British run George Washington out of town.

I will NEVER support Liz Cheney and I am through with Dick Cheney as like most Americans, we don't have the million dollars we swindled from other Americans to get our front line heart transplants and the election meddling to get our fat old blonde kid elected to a hick state like Wyoming where buying votes is cheap.

These political traitors to the Reagan legacy are advocating the elimination of the Protestant Christian America. That is what their polices are. That is who they are in bed with in Biden anti American policies and there comes a time in their criminalizing people and expecting them to march off willingly to the gas chamber with their Corona vax tattoos, that the reality is these patricians do not have the right to certify my death, the mass extermination of an entire American People, just because they believe the opposite of what Donald Trump has stated with facts.

Let the Lame Cherry be perfectly clear in this. The end result of handing America over to Chicom Joe Biden will end America. It is national genocide. Biden's policies are a biological weapon which will exterminate Americans and Liz Cheney is the  Typhoid Mary spreader saying we should all get that unhealthy dose to this leftist epidemic.

If Americans in majority voted that we all have to drink poison to prove that poison kills, that is not a law, that is not an election. That is a crime against humanity. The vote for Joe Biden was a continuation of the Bush Cheney diseases which have brought this world to where Jimmy Carter buried it. Liz Cheney quotes corruption as her guide and the outcome of her ideas are exactly as Jesus warned, "The ways of a man seem right but the end thereof is death. Proverbs 16:25.

 Liz Cheney is screeching that the world is flat and we are all to jump off.  She could write more than her 21 page manifesto and it would still be the same reality that what Liz Cheney is advocating is the mass death of Americans. That is what this all renders down to in LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Handing America over to Chicom Joe and this growing list of traitors like Liz Cheney advocating that, is one of death, imprisonment and slavery. 

There is something bigger than elections that Liz Cheney is void of. Something bigger than the Constitution. That something is thee American People. Without the People there are not elections. Without the People there is not a Constitution. The elections serve the People. The Constitution serves the People, not the People serving elections or Constitutions as nothing exists without thee American People.

Anything that kills off thee American Race is an illegal act. The Declaration of Independence cemented those unalienable rights. Strip everything away to what these words and votes mean, and they are nothing without the People, and in that President Donald Trump is the Constitution and the Vote, because he is the one advocating for Americans to remain alive and free.

That is what Trump's Second Term is. It is the Right of the People to live as Americans, and in this, all which is against that is a political disease, a plague a sentence of death as deadly if Liz Cheney held a pillow over our children's heads and suffocated them in their beds.

Death is death. You can not flower it up with words of Constitution, Congress and Voting. Because it is not the Constitution which is wrong, the Congress which is wrong, the Voting which is wrong, it is these traitors to thee American Way, the Reagan Way, who are infesting these documents and institutions, just as the appointed lords of King George were imprisoning Americas, murdering Americans legally and their press was agreeing that Americans had rights by the English.....the reality was though that the English were exterminating Americans with those laws and politicians. 

Perhaps Liz Cheney can immigrate to Frumposlavia when her Biden policies throw her out of America, but for the rest of us, we have no where else to go and we sure as hell are not going to follow her into national suicide in stolen elections and Chicom first wave bioweapons her patricians are making billions of dollars off of.

Jesus warned that Liz Cheney's ways, like all of these traitors seem right, but their policies bring death. I will not follow anyone into a dead nation nor allow her statement of national suicide to remain not rebuked.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
