As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If President Donald Trump does not save himself, or he trusts the coup plotters in thinking he can skate, the Lame Cherry offers this prediction.
With Deutsch Bank severing ties with Donald Trump, and other companies ending the Trump association, the reality is Donald Trump's credit line is gone. The reason Donald Trump was over in Germany is he screwed American lenders over in bankruptcy debt and was carrying so much debt that no one would touch him as he is toxic.
NBC News
The Guardian
Donald Trump is carrying a huge amount of debt as most businesses are, including Amazon. Bush made money cheap, so it was attractive to buy on credit and not pay off anything as keeping your money active which was not borrowed was worth more in purchasing expansion.
That is Trump International, and all of it is carrying immense debt. You have to service that debt, and there will spread a black list of not giving any membership money to Trump.
I will conclude there is already in the works a Paul Singer, who funded the Pissgate dossier for Marco Rubio, will corporate raid the Trump debt, with the provision that there will not be any bankruptcy. I'm sure the President has properties isolated from foreclosure, but once that ball starts rolling, a corporate raider will buy up Trump things for pennies on the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I suspect the squeeze will be to taking the Trump Tower after the last humiliation of auctioning off things Trump like the private jet.
Forget the Presidential salary as they will figure out how to end that in the stolen Congress too or impound it for Trump debt. The fact is once your credit lines are finished, you are done in business. Sure the Saudi's could provide funding, but are they really going to buck Bidencon when Iran has nukes and a war is imminent?
This is only started. The Lame Cherry predicts that what credit cards Donald Trump has, will experience all kinds of problems. Once you lose your credit, you lose the lawyers who keep the New York auditors from destroying you, and then the State of New York with the United States starts seizing personal property and calling for arrest warrants if Donald Trump thinks he can hide out in Florida or Scotland.
If they get him to flee America, they will do what they did to Julian Assange, and it will be Donald Trump in the white beard and in a wheelchair.
I have no idea if Donald Trump trades on the stock market, but I would not want to be anywhere near that investment once he is out of the Oval Office. Kushner being a slum lord may survive, but it depends on how vindictive the Jews can be in pressing this. Put it this way, the good life is over for the Trump boys.
This is only the financial end, as they will take all of Donald Trump's validity he built over his life, and I would not put it past them to changing the name of Trump Tower to Obama Plaza. They will come at him with taxes, with laws violated, with things created to destroy him personally. He is finished politically as he can not get a donation and as this blog predicted, Katie Walsh for Mike Pence has turned that donation list over and the FBI has it and so do financial institutions.
Donald Trump and his family will have no place to run or to hide. ANTIFA and BLM will follow him worldwide. He will have everything seized and no one will dare provide him assylum, and that includes Kim Jong Un's sister.
Donald Trump only has one option and that is to stay in power.
Nuff Said